Monday, June 1, 2009

Business Immigration Visit Passes to be introduced by UK

A statement published by the UK Immigration department, outlines the intentions to introduce a new business visit pass for foreign business owners. This type of a plan is especially summarized to ensure that the United Kingdom does not loose its charm as being a major business hub and it also clarifies the business activities which a business owner could carry out under this particular visa. The following visitor visa pass would be released in November 2009. This visa would also restrict unwanted people from entering the UK and it would allow people to enter particularly on Business and venture purposes. This type of a visa, the Business Visitor Visa, would not affect those who plan to apply under the points based visa system to live or study in the UK.

The proposal states the following activities which are covered under the business visit visa pass-
• Arranging deals, signing trade agreements or signing contracts
• Undertaking fact-checking or fact-finding missions, or checking goods• Conducting promotional activities or site visits.
• Attending meeting and conferences

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1 comment:

  1. It is very beneficial for businesses to plan business in abroad. There are number of visas which are specially designed for business immigration.

    Canada Immigration
