Thursday, June 4, 2009

Demanded Skilled Occupations in Australia

The Australian Man Power’s Fourth Annual Talent Shortage Survey highlighted that with the shortfall of skilled occupants in Australia, the employers in Australia are finding it difficult to fill the vacant positions in their companies. The top 10 occupations that are difficult to be filled by the employers list include Engineers, Technicians and Machine Operators. The results of the survey are on the basis of the interviews of nearly 11,500 employers of Australian firms. Although there are many jobless individuals in the market in Australia, but the difference happens when the skills of the employee does not match with the required skills for the job.

The Managing Director Lincoln Crawley said, “Despite high levels of unemployment in many markets, this year’s talent survey suggests a mismatch between the type of individuals available for work and the specific skills that employers are looking for”. According to him, the companies are being taught as how can they mould the already existing employees to help them sharpen their skills more creatively and strategically as how can they utilise them to help them supervise their talents. “Employers are looking for ways to accelerate their business strategy with less people. It’s this specificity of skills required in the individuals that employers are now seeking that is creating a sense of talent shortage amidst an overabundant pool of available workers. This challenge is frustrating both employers and individuals,” he said. The survey highlights that the skilled vacancies are difficult to be filled in recent years with the vacancies ever increasing to fall in a second place this year.


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