Thursday, September 17, 2009

More Skilled Immigrants are required in South Australia

As quoted by the Business Chief Executive of South Australia, Peter Vaughan, “The region needs to embrace more immigrants who want to get jobs in Australia in order to boost the region’s ageing workforce in future”.
According to the business expert, the south Australian region is deprived of population which is under 30 years of age. To overcome this problem Australian government would have to award Australian visas to skilled immigrants from outside the country with young families to help the economy of South Australia. He further explained that with constant lack of skilled labour in the region, the development is seriously going to suffer. To overcome that there has to be an influx of constant immigration. He said, “We have fewer people with tertiary qualifications per capita than anywhere else. That's a perfect-storm combination if you combine our population structure and our skills base."
He emphasised that without an influx of immigration, the region could find itself in trouble. “Over the next 50 to 100 years South Australia will develop economically if young families are encouraged to move to Australia to work. He explained, "we can't survive without the critical mass and we need to use these people to settle our current and looming skills shortage.”
Further elaborating, Vaughan said that the southern region of the country needs to “broaden its outlook” and welcome a higher number of immigrants to live in Australia and encourage them to take up jobs in industries suffering skills shortages.
As it is a quite visible pattern the regional Australia requires a lot of manpower to reach the optimum levels for development. The government has allowed many immigrants from different countries to immigrate to Australia since decades. The South Australian government has given many opportunities to immigrants immigrating from around the world. Since South Australia has a very low population, it becomes necessary to have enough manpower in the state to help develop the area. Immigrants from abroad who look for a change in lifestyle and personal growth often opt for the immigration South Australia option.
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