Friday, September 18, 2009

Rising Job Opportunities in Australia

It’s a good time for those who seek work in Australia. Australia is on its maximum to import man power from all across the world that suits the skilled immigrant category list.
As it is visible from all across the news and internet buzzing about skilled immigrants needed in Australia since the number of job vacancies has been going up recently. The expansion in job vacancies is the maximum recently in sixteen months. The Sensis Consumer Report on consumer confidence is also at 39 percent which is the highest level in fifteen months.

Ever since the world is under economic recession, job seekers have been struggling hard to find a suitable job. The economy is now improving with a sigh of relief among many job seekers. Consumers as well as businesses now feel that the world economy will pick up in the next 12 months. While investors are looking for confidence in businesses, businesses as well need confidence to invest in their own businesses. Both require faith and security with each other. The investors or consumers would only invest if they have a constant source of money coming their way, which is based largely on job security.

The economy of Australia has shown a great improvement as for the latest GBP figures are positive. If you check the current foreign exchange rate, the Australian dollar is at a 12 month high against the US dollar and European Euros and it is at a thirteen year high against the British pound which is now about two Australian dollars to one British pound. To develop the regional Australia, there have been many job appointments for the same. In construction jobs, the Housing Industry Association and the Australian Industry Group figures show that the building industry is still contracting. However, the decline is at a lower rate than in the past and there are shortages in many tradesman occupations.

The South Australian Immigration agencies have recently updated their Skilled Migration Occupation Demand List as they now need more skilled workers in various fields. Apart from South Australia, there are many skill shortages in Australia that remain vacant and need to be filled. With the recovery from economic recession, world, as well as Australia would witness an outbreak of job opportunities. With the improvement of the job scenario, Australia would need more skilled immigrants.

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