Thursday, October 29, 2009

Australia would not tolerate Attacks on Foreign Students

Australia has been condemning attacks on students since a while but recently they sent a clear message to every person living in Australia that violence of any kind with foreign students will not be tolerated. Australian High Commissioner in India, on Tuesday made a statement outlining the fact that Indian students studying in Australia would be ensured safety and racist violence against them would not be tolerated.

As the media reported the merciless racist attacks on Mr. Sukhraj Singh, an Indian student in Canberra along with many other such cases the higher authorities of Australia remain in question. The statement was made by the Australian High Commissioner in India after the sentencing of the guilty person in Sukhraj’s case, who was detained, has now been sentenced to four and a half years in prison without the possibility of a parole. The high commissioner said that it was a demonstration that Australia is adopting “zero tolerance” approach to violence against students. The statement continued, “There is no place in the Australian society for racism or racist violence and the perpetrators of any such acts will face the full force of the law.” On the other hand, the case judge, Pamela Jenkins who sentenced the accused also condemned the attacks. Judge Jenkins said the assault was among a number of racist attacks that had provoked international and local community outrage and should be condemned. “Short of becoming prisoners in their own homes, there is little potential victims can do to prevent such attacks,” she said.

The widespread outrage reflects previous statements from the Australian government and the Australian immigration department insisting that living in Australia is safe for overseas students. Australia can not afford to ruin its image as an unsafe foreign study destination as the Indian student industry in Australia contributes a huge amount to Australian economy each year as it also remains one of the most popular destinations for students coming from India. Other than India many students from China, UK and the US who choose to study in Australia eventually end up immigrating to Australia or start working in Australia once they finish with their courses.


by varsha negi

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Farming Sector undergoing a shortfall of Skilled Workforce in UK

Agriculture is the new buzzword in the job industry. With the Growth of population and urbanisation all around the world, we are diverting our minds from the most important ingredient of life; Food. Every individual eventually is working to bring food for their families, along with other necessities for a comfortable life. Agriculture industry is going to grow in the next coming few years. Many countries like UK, Canada are now realising the same. The farming sector of UK is experiencing a deficit for certain jobs in growing agriculture industry. The shortfall in job market has been a cause of concern for many. There is also a growing alarm that skill shortages would hinder the UK’s ability to produce enough food as about 60,000 new employees are needed in next ten years to make up for the shortfall. The only vision for this as adopted by UK is that more and more people could enter and take up the jobs in the sector on work visas.

What is seen as a small problem right now could become a major problem in later stages. As UK’s ageing work force is on the verge of retirement is mainly the prime problem which threatens the farming and food production industries. The agriculture job sector does not allure many British workers as they consider it as unattractive and as a result the shortfall in the farming sector would need to be filled by people from abroad who desire to work and live in UK.

Lantra, the farming sector skills council revealed their findings to MP last week on the issue. Their findings reveal that 41 percent of the people working in agriculture are over 50 years of age out of which the average age of the farmers was 55 and half of them did not have any successors to run their farms after they retire. However, in farming industry 31 percent of the vacancies are hard to fill as there are skill shortages in UK as compared to 21 percent shortages in any other industry. Obviously there are going to be provisions and measures to help UK recruit skilled workforce in the industry. Immigrants on work visas to UK are likely to play an important part in helping the country’s agricultural industry to flourish and provide the food that is needed to feed the UK’s growing population.


by varsha negi

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Australian Immigration and Population Growth

The economy of Australia has grown exceptionally when the skilled immigrants flew in bringing with them wealth of knowledge and new skills. The fiscal growth underwent economic boom following a balanced rate of Immigration. Australia not only praises immigration in helping the same but also encourages it. Since the inflow of immigrants has increased since last few years, Ken Henry, Australia’s federal treasury secretary, revealed that the statistics indicate that Australian population would grow to 35 million by 2050. The population increase of extra 13 million people is expected to be as a result of growth in immigration industry to Australia. Metropolitan cities like Sydney and Melbourne are expected to have a population of about 7 million people by that same year.

Speaking on the same, Prime Minister of Australia Mr. Kevin Rudd mentioned that he is in favour of indirect or direct immigration to Australia out of which major population growth could take place. He said, “I actually believe in a big Australia. I make no apology for that. I actually think its good news that our population is growing. I think it is good for us, it's good for our national security long-term, and it’s good in terms of what we can sustain as a nation."

As it is widely known that Australia has minted money and grew as a strong economic nation because of its popularity among people who want to take a skilled immigration abroad. Much of Australia’s financial status is because of those skilled immigrants who come to live and work in Australia and students on student visas each year. Ken Henry however expressed concern because of the growth of immigrant population and the popularity of skilled immigration to Australia. He said that the country would have to make changes in the immigration policy after weighing each and every aspect to ensure that the clean and balanced environment of Australia could handle the influx of so many people. Like many developing countries go through several twists and turns and adverse effects of a large population, Australia would have to ensure that Australian population growth would “test the limits of sustainability: economic, social and environmental". The Treasury Secretary further said, “With the right decisions, one can envisage a period of unprecedented prosperity. I expect the country’s economic boom to last with the help of immigration into Australia “for decades”.

Critics however analysed that one of the major problems of a large population growth would the quality of life would deteriorate and people would suffer. What allures the migration population now would be a question of hesitation for them. The bottom line adopted by majority of the Ministers under the immigration panel is to ensure that the people living in Australia would get one of the world’s best life styles and experiences and they should keep checks and balances while thinking of immigration of population.

by varsha negi

Monday, October 26, 2009

UK Immigration and Population Growth

If change continues at the current rate of growth, UK’s population will grow by 10 million in just 25 years. Some recent figures from The Office for National Statistics (ONS) mentions that the population will rise from the current level of 61m to 71.6m by 2033. Two third of the population rise, out of the total is likely to be because of growth in immigration rate in UK. The projected increase in UK is defined on the basis of fastest population growth over a century. The claims of expected population growth is greatly challenged by some as suspecting the UK immigration trend as witnessed in the country over the last few years may not continue. Statisticians said at least 70 per cent of the population rise over the next 20 years will be attributable directly to immigration. The government receives statistics in advance so that they plan strategies for necessary spending therefore the projections of population growth with immigrants of National population size are drawn every two years.

As well as the continued increase in UK immigration the projections claim: - The number of over 65’s will rise by 32% by 2033 to 15.6m. In 25 years time there will be a ratio of 2.8 persons of working age to every person of pension-claiming age - this is a fall from the current 3.2 people. The statistics provided by ONS states that a total of 180,000 new immigrants will immigrate to the UK every year and the trend would continue for next 25 years which will have a direct impact on the local population and added growth as the immigrant population could also double following the birth of children in their families.

Pointing out the issue, the UK immigration minister Phil Woolas mentioned that the projected number was 10,000 lower a year than previously projected by the ONS showing the new points-based system to UK immigration was working. He said, “Today's projections show that population growth is starting to slow down, the impacts of the radical reforms we have made to the immigration system over the last two years are working”.

Friday, October 23, 2009

DIAC Introduces Emendations in Health Examination Report

There are going to be new provisions for the required health examination reports for a visa application for Australia. Following emendations to the same, on November 9, 2009, The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) will change the requirement for a health examination report. Based on the new provisions, DIAC will suspend the arrangements that allow some of the visa applicants to re-use the old or previous health examination reports.
To obtain a Temporary visa, applicants currently can reuse the previous health reports. But under the new provision, there are going to be upgraded system for permanent health clearance. Currently, the system allows applicants to fill out a Form 26 for medical examination but the new rules would require that the applicants obtain a full permanent health clearance. The changes are going to be made by DIAC as the department received a number of complaints in regard to the “upgrade” process. As many applicants and immigration agents have complained that where "upgrades" have been requested, they have resulted in processing delays, and in some cases clients have been forced to complete new medical examinations anyway. Some of the arrangements however have been reversed by DIAC, and some that appear to be working quite well have been retained are:
ü Temporary health examination reports which were locally cleared and remain valid can still be re-use for a further temporary visa application.
ü The rules surrounding re-use of health clearances also remain the same (e.g. a 457 visa applicant who completed full permanent medicals "upfront" and received a permanent health clearance can "re-use" this clearance for their permanent visa application if it is still valid).

by varsha negi

Skilled Shortage List UK Reviewed by Migration Advisory Committee, Suggests Additions

U.K. has announced some new additions to the shortage occupation list. The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) has announced that since UK is in need of more immigrant labour in some specific category, there are still some occupations that lag behind. MAC recommended that teachers in special schools and skilled meat boners and trimmers should also be included in the skilled shortage occupation list. Mac has advised British government to sensibly fill the skill shortages by allowing people to immigrate under prescribed categories. Based on the recommendations, the above said occupations will be added to the shortage occupation list which implies that employers will be able to directly recruit skilled labour to these job categories without needing to carry out a resident labour market test. However, with the slump in the economy MAC has also recommended that some occupations in engineering category and construction jobs and ship and hover officer jobs should be removed from the list.

Skilled Chefs however still remain on the recommended list. MAC has also suggested measures to accelerate the efforts to train the local residents in the chef category to fill the need from within as next year the list is going to be reviewed again. Some other occupations that the MAC also recommended adding to the list are:
specialised jobs in the electricity transmission and distribution industry;
some medical specialists, including higher-level speciality paediatrics trainees; and
Aircraft technicians and fitters.
A latest report by MAC includes its second partial review of its recommended shortage occupation list. For the report, the MAC reviewed all healthcare and engineering occupations, chefs, teachers (further/higher, secondary, primary, and special needs education teaching professionals), town planners, managers in construction, quantity surveyors, ship and hovercraft officers, veterinary surgeons, sheep shearers, work riders, ballet dancers, skilled fish filterers, meat boners and trimmers.
MAC first reviewed its first recommendations in 2008 and all the occupations in the shortage occupation lists have been reviewed once or more till this date. Speaking on the same, Professor David Metcalf CBE, who chairs the MAC, said, “The points-based system, including the shortage occupation list, has to operate for the benefit of UK workers, especially given the current economic climate. The Migration Advisory Committee's latest recommendations take account of the impact of the worldwide recession on the UK. We have looked at the evidence and made recommendations that balance the needs of the UK workforce against those of employers. It is important to note that some shortages of skilled labour will still exist in a recession. This can be where there is a long-term structural shortage of skilled workers, where workers provide key public services, or in areas such as culture where the UK needs to maintain global leadership”. The government of UK however still has to issue a response to the recommendations made which is likely to follow in coming weeks.

by varsha negi

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bogus Australian Student Visa Applications under Scrutiny

Australian authorities have now started noticing the trend among many student visa applicants of fraudulently immigrating to Australia by acquiring student visas. Many agents around the globe along with corrupt employers have now started abusing student visa to smuggle people to Australia deceptively. According to the leading recruitment firm IDP Education Australia, “Unscrupulous landlords, employers and migration and education agents are using Australian student visas to smuggle people into the country”.
“There is a ‘chain of exploitation’ abusing the system through which people can move to Australia to study, in order to make money from vulnerable students”, said Tony Pollack, chief executive of IDP. He also mentioned that many authorities have caught people on student visas working part-time or studying in a fraudulent college. The applicants are usually conned with misrepresentative advice from many study visa agents. Tony Pollack further claimed that the problem affected hundreds of students and created a “deep resentment” among the student population who had been exploited.
Surprisingly, a research by the Australian authorities itself found that many immigration agents are themselves sponsoring the prospective fraud students by showing their bank accounts to apply for the visa as it is a must that for a student visa, a student must have about $12,000 in their account. The agents enrol bogus students in unregistered or fake colleges owned by deceitful landlords or the agents themselves. The colleges also mark the fake students’ attendance and misrepresent them as attending classes while they clearly are working outside. Pollack has said that the offenders enrolling bogus students for Australian Visas would be tracked down and will be punished.

A local newspaper of Australia, Brisbane Times, further quoted, “Indian students will face greater screening as the Government cracks down on visa fraud and scrutinizes the ability of students to finance life in Australia. Students from target countries will face more stringent interviews and curbed access to visa applications online. Addressing the issue, Senator Chris Evans said, “The message is clear. Genuine international students remain welcome in Australia but we will not tolerate fraud in the student visa program.'' There are now going to be many rigorous measures taken by the Australian student visa council to combat the problem of fraud and false applications. Applicants deemed at risk of cheating the system will also be hauled in for interviews to determine their legitimate intention to study.

by varsha negi

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Australia Unveils New Citizenship Test

A new citizenship test has been unveiled by the Australian Government for applicants wishing to apply for an Australian visa. The new test would be taken by Australian visa holders who wish to apply for citizenship has been launched from today, October 20th. Migrants who want to become Australian citizens will have to be able to correctly identify the country’s prime minister and national flower, according to the new draft citizenship test. Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews said, “The aim of the test is to get that balance between diversity and integration correct in future". The prospective citizen will have to give a correct answer to 12 out of 20 questions - drawn from a total of about 200. The new citizenship test is expected to be introduced later this year.

According to Australia’s Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), the new test is much simpler and fairer than the previous test. Some of the questions have been changed and even removed keeping in mind that all the questions should be given equal weight in terms of marks. The test would challenge the applicant’s knowledge of Australian history and existing norms. It is specially designed to test Australian visa holders and prospective citizens about their knowledge of general Australian civics and the privileges and responsibilities of becoming an Australian citizen. The questions would cover some of the political subjects like government, laws and democratic beliefs. A few example of the multi choice questions published on the DIAC website include:
1. Which of these is a responsibility of Australian citizens aged 18 years or over?a) To attend local council meetingsb) To vote in electionsc) To have a current Australian passport2. What is the name of the legal document that sets out the rules for the government of Australia?a) The Australian Federationb) The Australian Commonwealthc) The Australian Constitution
All the test questions are taken from the revised citizenship resource book called the Australian citizenship: Our Common Bond. To apply for a citizenship, applicants can check the revised book to prepare for the test. Speaking about the test Senator Evans said, "The new test is not a general knowledge quiz about Australia. We want people applying for citizenship to understand the values of Australian society, our democratic beliefs, our rights and our system of law and what it means to be an Australian citizen. All prospective citizens should understand those concepts so all of the questions in the new citizenship test focus on the commitments that new citizens make in the pledge.''

By varsha negi

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

European Council Approve Blue Card Scheme

In order to cope up with the problems of aging population and shortages of highly skilled workforce, the European Parliament adopted a measure to help deal with them by going ahead with the much awaited ‘Blue Card’ scheme. Impressed with the results of many countries which gladly accept skilled labor from around the world, Europe now also wants skilled workforce to help alleviate shortages in its labor market. The much awaited Blue Card system is now set to function for European Immigration and work permit. Compared to the stats of skilled workforce around the world, it has been noted that as compared to US with a 3.2 percent of skilled workforce, Europe only has a total of 1.7 percent of working population as skilled labor. It has also been noted that the success of the United States Green Card has played an immense role in influencing the European Union’s decision to go ahead with the ‘Blue Card’ scheme to attract top talents. Apart from USA, the success of Canada and Australia has also played a role for the council’s decision making. Both nations are also pursuing skilled foreign workers with open arms by utilizing a points based schemes to attract overseas help. The point based system is based upon many factors such as education, experience and age.

The European Union’s Blue Card Scheme does not have any points based system but the scheme sure has provided details of some requirements for applicants. The Blue Card Scheme requires the pursuing foreign workers to have a valid job offer. They should have also earned a university degree from educational institutions with duration of at least three years or they are required to have at least five years experience in the relevant work sector. In addition, blue card holders will also have access to many social services like Pension Scheme, health care etc. The Blue Card holders will also be allowed to move to another member states after 18 months incase they get another job there. Also, after six months, family reunification would be allowed if the spouse has the ability to work as well.

Researches have shown that Europe will have a shortfall of 20 million workers by 2030 if the current demographic trend continues. Therefore, the goal of the scheme is to better harmonize the 27 different immigration policies. Some nations like UK, Ireland, and Denmark would be exempted from the Blue Card Scheme and Member nations will have a maximum of two years to implement the Blue Card.


written by varsha negi

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Indian Student Market tops the Chart in Pursuing Foreign Education

Indian students on international campuses over the last few years have emerged as the biggest group world over, even lagging the number of Chinese students behind. As reported by the annual publications of Open Doors by the Institute of International Education (IIE), in association with the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, India remained the leading country of origin of foreign students in America for the seventh consecutive time in financial year 2008 increasing by 13% to 94,563 students overall.

Overall, more than 2 lac Indian students studied overseas last year. The attraction of foreign campuses is due to enormous reasons and not just because of infrastructure problems at home institutions- such as poor organisation structure, not enough seats for professional courses, improper competition or the reservation system. Studying overseas is considered as a huge opportunity for global careers and Indian students turn out to be the most skilled professionals among the lot. Indian families enroot their children since the beginning to the benefits of education and they go a long way to avail them with good education. Many families are willing to do investments in their children’s future by availing themselves of loans to send their younger ones abroad for further education. To top it all, Indian banks seem to have developed a great interest in providing loans for few years of educations abroad to aspiring students.

Indian students are being considered as huge market surpluses by many overseas universities which mainly depend on offshore students as they generate large revenues for them. For instance, in 2007-08 educational institutions in Australia earned around A$13.7 billion, purely from international students out of which about 97,000 students came from India.

The Australian ‘education’ dream however now seem to fade away with the new buzz across the country about racial attacks on Indian students and on the other hand the impacts of recession on the global market. Inspite of all, many students are still pursuing Australia as it was once considered as a hottest campus for education. According to the latest figures as provided by the US Embassy, a dramatic decline of 25% in the numbers of F1 student visas issued in India for the financial year of 2009 (Oct- 208 to Sep 2009) as this year only 25,860 visas were issued against 34,510 issued in FY 2008.

Many experts still believe that inspite of the downturn and decrease in number of students going abroad, the numbers of students seeking admission abroad will continue to rise. Speaking on the same, Ms. Shevanti Narayan- country co-ordinator, educational advising services, United States India Educational Foundation- said, “Worldwide economic recession is bound to have an impact n the number of students applying to the USA. However, interest in US higher education continues. Large numbers of students still throng the US university fairs that we organise and we continue to meet students at our centres all over the country seeking guidance on the application procedures. The benefits of US higher education can not be undermined an Indian student equipped with US education comes out with a truly global edge.”

People still see US as a preferred destination for education abroad simply because of its multi-ethnic population as many students are getting paranoid with racial attacks. Ms. Narayan further added that US continues to be a popular destination for Indian students. The quality, choice, value and flexibility are some of the factors that make Indian students choose US over any other country. The US educational experience encourages one to be innovative, creative and think independently. The long term career prospects of a student are enhanced as the method of teaching is designed to apply theoretical knowledge. The American approach to education is recognised as among the best and most innovative in the world.

Australia on the other hand is going to suffer setbacks while attracting the same amount of foreign students as following the recent attacks on Indian students the Australian government has now taken precautionary measures to filter genuine students out of the lot. Michael A. Opie, Manager International Students (International office- Charles Darwin University) was quoted saying, “I was told by all agents that the number of applications are down for Australia and that they expect it to take atleast 6 months to recover. I think the steps taken by the Australian government will help but now that many Indian students are being interviewed before a visa is granted I suspect that this will mean that fewer visas are refused for diploma level studied. This will also reduce the number of students coming to Australia. Prospective students are also aware that there are likely to be changes in migration rules in the near future and this is also causing some hesitation about applying to study in Australia.”

Following the uproar on systematic rules and regulations for student visas, UK Border Agency has also streamlined the system for applying for a visa under Tier 4 system which was amended recently on October 1st. Speaking on the same, Ms. Sally Goggin, Head Education, British Council India and Sri Lanka says, “We are still seeing an increase in the number of students going to the UK. Education is so important to Indian families that they will put this ahead of many other things and continue to invest in their children’s future. I think education is seen as even more important in a time of economic slowdown as it becomes a key routine to ensuring a secure career. The new visa regulations have been introduced over the past few months and students and agents are slowly getting used to these and the process is therefore coming easier now that the transition from the old to the new system has taken place. Based on what we are hearing from UK institutions and the UK border agency numbers have increased this year”. This year a rough estimate has shown that in 2008 there were over 30,000 Indian students in UK and over 15% increase has taken this year.

Canada also does not lag behind. Canada is expecting a hike in the number of students from India. Indian students are weighing advantages as they are allowed to work part time and even gain a permanent residency after they finish with their studies. Studying in Canada is also seen as an advantage for a fast track global job market. Ms. Maria Mathai, Director, Canadian Education Centre, India said, “The cost of studying and living in Canada has remained stable at about Rs. 4-4.5 lac per year. Besides there has been significant interest and a positive vibe generated by the launch of the Canadian experience class visa which is a policy is favourable to international students. Most institutions in Canada have seen an increase in enrolments and some have had record number of applications. This year we are quite optimistic and expert to continue to demonstrate an increased percentage in overall numbers of Canada.”

Apart from that, countries like France, New Zealand and Germany have also opened doors for Indian students on job market front. France now allows its students to stay back for 6 more months to look for jobs after they finish with their studies. New Zealand, under the skilled immigration category allows skilled students to stay back and gain a permanent residency status. The demand for student visas among Indian nationals is going to rise within coming months.

by varsha negi

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Australia Still Considered Safest Study Destination

A new report based on a survey would be released very soon by the Australian International Education Conference, Sydney, which states that studying in Australia is one of the safest places for Indian students to pursue their further education abroad. The survey was carried out by IDP Education, a student recruitment firm, interviewing about 1130 Indian graduates and students wishing to study abroad. 26 percent of the sample students ranked studying in Australia as the safest options among provided. Australia was also ranked top in terms of government policies in place to protect international students, immigration laws and ease of application for an Australian visa, with 19 per cent of the votes from Indian students. The US came second in this category, followed closely by the UK, Canada and New Zealand.

Inspite of the news flashing across the globe about ‘racial attacks on Indian students’ many Indian students still believe that Australia is the safest destination to study abroad. Pursuing higher education in Australia is quite popular among Indian students who have dreams of fetching a top-quality education, while gaining valuable language and cultural knowledge. The government of Australia has been working hard to keep a check on such racial attacks and ensure safety to foreign students coming from India to study in Australia. Speaking on the same, a spokesperson for IDP Education said, "these results are very encouraging in the light of recent challenges to Australia's reputation as a quality, safe and good value provider of education to Indian students.” Chris Evans, the Australian immigration Minister also welcomed the results of the survey as he laid out new plans to attract new students for visa applications.


written by Varsha Negi

Monday, October 12, 2009

Canadian Economy and Immigration

We have been reading about the Canadian Economy and the resistance it showed to the economic crisis. Throughout the past few months, news has been flashing on internet about the speedy recovery Canada has been making with the downturns of recession. Compared to the economies of many countries around the world, the economy of Canada is less affected by recession and it still remains the perfect place to do business with its stable banking system and its much easier now to start a business in Canada as the economy moves out of the recession. The immigrant population is also one of the biggest key to the success of the growth of the country.

‘Bank of Canada’ also declared recently that the recession was over after surveying the status of many Canadian banks. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Canada also grew in June for the first time in 11 months, reported Statistics Canada (StatsCan). StatsCan recently reported that in August, the private sector created more than 27,000 jobs, an unexpected growth in the job market. Canada’s major banks are reporting profits in the third quarter of 2009, another sign that the economy is recovering. In addition, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. (CMHC), the federal housing agency, said that the housing market is expected to rebound over the last few months of 2009.

Some analysts have been picturing it as a positive sign believing that Canada is not only recovering from the economic slump which has affected most nations, but they also believe that Canada’s economy is expected to grow. “The upturn in June GDP, the swift snapback in housing amid rebounding consumer confidence, and a stabilizing U.S. economy all suggest that Canada’s recession is indeed ending,” said Douglas Porter, deputy chief economist at BMO Capital Markets, a leading financial services provider.

New Immigrants in Canada have boosted the housing market. In last eight years, the inflow of immigrants in Canada is responsible for most of the housing sales in the Greater Toronto Area. As reported by Scotia bank, a major Canadian financial institution, found that newcomers are making a faster transition from renting homes to owning homes than they did in the past. “Given Canada’s aging population and low fertility rates, longer term household formation and housing needs will be largely determined by immigration,” Adrienne Warren, the author of the report, said. Inspite of that, the skills and experiences of the immigrant is becoming increasingly valuable to the Canadian economy.

Addressing to the same, Mr. Gordon Nixon and Dominic D’Alessandro of the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council said, “Immigrants bring skills, including language and cultural abilities, knowledge and networks that can help us to reach out to emerging economic giants such as China and India, as well as emerging markets at home – particularly at a time when the U.S. economy remains weak and we need to be looking to expand our trade and cultural relationships even more”.

Due to the following, many employers and institutions in Canada are now taking various majors to ensure that the new immigrants fully adjust to the country’s labour market. Various new initiatives have been introduced for the immigrants like providing them with mentorship programs, language instruction services, increasing their networking requirements etc.

written by Varsha Negi

Friday, October 9, 2009

Australia to Speed up Pending Visa Applications

There is good news for people who have applied for an Australian visa under skilled immigration category with a pending status. Chris Evans, the Australian Immigration Minister announced plans to speed up the visa applications that have been in queue. Australian Immigration has also established a new advisory service to help in establishing people’s immigration status as quickly as possible. The following plans of forming up a council of immigration services and status resolution were revealed yesterday by the Australian immigration Minister.

The council is purely set to provide guidance and advice on the rollout of the Community Status Resolution Service. The responsibility of the council is set to take over the duties of Detention Advisory Group and will meet initially on 21st of this month to decide the major immigration issues that will be dealt immediately.

Speaking on the same, Evans stated that the council will help Australian immigration officials to process Australian visa applications quickly. He said, “the council will provide independent advice on policies, services and programmes to achieve timely, fair and effective resolution of immigration status for people seeking asylum or other migration outcomes in Australia." He further added that, “the government's focus is on resolving the immigration status of people quickly and fairly while ensuring they are treated humanely and with dignity and respect.” The provision of a quick decision on applications to live in Australia is essential for Australia since many cases are pending and Australia still requires a lot of skilled immigrants in its work forces.

written by Varsha Negi

Adelaide’s Reducing Skilled Immigrant Population

Although after so much of skilled immigration to South Australia, the positions under skilled immigration programmes are still lying vacant in Adelaide. It has been observed that people who are taking immigration under state sponsorship to Adelaide are first arriving in Adelaide on those visas and then they are relocating to other metropolitan places like Melbourne or Sydney. In order to grow in line with forecasted labour demands, South Australia depends heavily on immigrant workers but Business analysts have raised concerns that not enough are settling in the state after arriving in Australia on their work visas. Many people are obtaining their work permits or skilled immigration for Australia under regional categories as they are easier to obtain. After acquiring a permit, people are leaving for bigger and better states to look out for more opportunities.

A recent study by PKF Australia and Access Economics, states that 18,500 people were settled in South Australia in 2008, 16,000 of those were from overseas and on an Australian visa. This correlates to roughly 86.5% of the newly settled citizens coming from overseas. Many of these immigrants have moved out of Adelaide to bigger and better cities leaving Adelaide’s population of skilled workers less than sufficient to fill up the vacant positions. The South Australian business leaders or employers are concerned that Australian immigration is seeing a trend of migrants that arrive in Adelaide but after a short period of time, they choose to move to other larger Australian cities, such as Melbourne or Sydney. This trend has left South Australia lacking of the necessary skilled professionals.

Speaking about the same, the National Chairman of Enterprise Advisers, Mr. Chris Allen said, “Skilled migrants are a necessary and important contribution to Australia's economy and growth. Because highly skilled migrants in Australia earn a relatively high income in relation to the size they represent, in the overall workforce, they spend more of their income, and spending, creates demand for more workers." He further quoted that "Put in Lehman’s terms more immigration to Adelaide equals more customers, and also more jobs."

Business SA chief executive Peter Vaughan said SA was an attractive starting point for international migrants but many were unable to get a job and were forced to move interstate for work and to secure permanent residency. Mr Vaughan emphasised the need for employers to take on qualified graduates from overseas. "The future of this state will be based on skilled migrants from other cultures who are going to settle in SA looking for job opportunities, careers, advancement and reward," he said. "If we don't provide those things that precious commodity will go elsewhere."


written by Varsha Negi

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Conservative Party ‘Promises’ to Increase UK Skilled Immigration in 2010

What would look like a famous party ‘stunt’ is even more intriguing than that. To get maximum number of votes in upcoming UK elections (2010), the Conservative Party mentioned in its election plans that if they are the winning party in 2010 elections, they would be increasing the intake of skilled UK migration to attract many high potential immigrants to live and work in the UK. Speaking on the same Mr. Damian Green, the shadow minister stated, "We want to attract more than our fair share of the brightest and the best” at the party’s annual conference in Manchester about UK Immigration. In other words, the conservatives would launch a drive to get more highly qualified migrants to come to the UK, as quoted by the shadow minister Damian Green.

Mr. Green further explained that the party also wants to achieve a similar system for UK immigration in comparison to the Australian immigration system. In Australia, there is a pre-provided list of the most demanded skilled occupations of which the country is in dire needs and also the country allows immigrants to migrate to Australia based on those professions. Apart from that Australia also has appropriate measures to attract the most highly skilled professional from other countries. The same strategy would be introduced to the UK Visa systems by the Conservative party.

The minister further argued that in order to maintain its position as a global trading nation, UK would need to attract more skilled and qualified professionals and entrepreneurs to work in the country as compared to their rival economies like Japan or USA. He stated that the UK was “really lucky as a country” that the influx of immigrants moving to this country with UK visas from Eastern Europe over the past few years have been “hard working and respectable." However, he also said, “it was important that British people feel that their community services are not being threatened by increasing UK immigration and that newcomers can settle well into their new communities”. He said Britain was a global trading nation and it was vital for future prosperity to attract more entrepreneurs and highly qualified graduates to the UK.

written by Varsha Negi

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Australia Second Best Place to Live as Reports UNDP

According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Report Rankings, Australia is the second best place to live in the whole world as it offers a quality lifestyle. Norway is ranked as the first best place with excellent quality of life. The ranking for best life by UNDP, Human Development Report, was done keeping basic factors in mind like -life expectancy, education and wealth as these factors affect the basic life experienced by the people of a country. By the present UNDP report, Australia is the second best country to offer a great quality of life and such ranking would encourage the new aspirants to immigrate to Australia even more. The present ranking is purely based on the country’s strong performance and is hence indexed in top listing.
Based on the data over the past year, the average life expectancy in Australia has increased by three to four months besides the average income of people rose by 4 percent. These figures are set aside keeping in mind the impact of recession on people living in Australia and it illustrates the fact that Australians have survived the economic slump and dealt with it quite nicely. The report suggests that countries that offer a high quality of life attract more migrants, with thousands of people moving to Australia each year on work visas and working holiday visas. It states, ''most migration, internal and international, reap gains in the form of higher incomes, better access to education and health, and improved prospects for their children.'' Along with that, Canada was ranked 4th and USA stood as the 13th country which offered best quality of life. The report was based on the data taken from 182 countries overall. Niger, Afghanistan and Sierra Leone scored worst in terms of human development and the poorest performing region was sub-Saharan Africa, where states are afflicted by war and HIV/AIDS.

written by Varsha Negi

Canada to Emerge as a Strong Economy by 2010

As reported by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), world market expects to see a surprise growth of Canadian economy which would outperform other countries in the developed nations. The economic growth of Canadian economy is however expected to be limited until 2011 as the recession is expected to end by then and it is forecasted that the economy of other countries would also reach its full swing. The fact however could be attributed to the increase in stimulus spending of $40 Billion. The report also continued to mention that Canada was not hit as hard as other developed nations due to recession. Canada’s performance during the recession times is due to the country’s resilience of the market sectors like housing etc and its strength in the banking system.
By the end of September, The Bank of Canada and the organization for economic Co-operation and Development declared that they have witnessed signs of recovery in the Canadian economy as well as some other economies of the world. As reported by CIBC, it is expected that Canada’s economy would grow at a rate of two percent in 2010, which is stronger than the growth rate which is expected of the US Economy and European Countries as well.
Speaking on the same, the CIBC Chief Economist, Avery Shenfeld stressed that ‘the injection of stimulus dollars’ into the world's economies have had a lot to do with this forecasted turn around and subsequent growth. "On some dimensions, Canada stands out from its peers, largely because the financial shock to the household, government and banking sectors was less dramatic than in the U.S. or some parts of Europe," notes Mr. Shenfeld. "But as we saw last year, no country is an island, and after a decent finish to 2009, Canada could be waiting another year for truly robust growth."
It is quite noticeable as some countries completely shut down immigration, with the boom in the economy Canada is bound to meet the immigration standard requirements for the smooth running of economy. As Canadian financial system would flourish, more and more opportunities will open up for its local residents and people who dream to immigrate to Canada on various criteria. Many occupations are going to add in the Federal Skilled Worker programme for immigration to Canada.

written by Varsha Negi

Monday, October 5, 2009

More jobs lie vacant in Australia

According to the latest ANZ jobs survey, the job advertisements in local newspapers and on internet peaked by 4.4% in September, the fastest rate since November 2007. The job advertisements on internet and on papers were 8.7% higher than July. Compared to all, the rate was over all lower than this year.

The survey figures revealed that the number of job ads in major metropolitan newspapers jumped 3.7%, following a 5.5% rise in August, to a weekly average of 8,929. Meanwhile, internet job ads climbed 4.5% in a second consecutive month of growth to a weekly average of 127,141.

Addressing to the same, ANZ acting chief economist Warren Hogan said in a statement, "These data provide the best evidence we have received to date that the labour market (and the economy more generally) is entering an early recovery phase following this downturn. Further he added, "Australian economic activity has been remarkably resilient in recent months, particularly in some of our largest employing industries such as retail trade, health services, government and construction."

The employment requirement data also sheds some insight on the present job scenario in Australia. The data raises speculation as the Reserve Bank of Australia was to raise interest rates at a policy meeting, with Hogan since the figures also give hope for unemployment figures. Speaking on which he said, "Today's numbers confirm our expectation that the pace of decline in employment will not be as severe as envisaged six months ago”. "We expect the Australian unemployment rate to peak at around 7.25% in mid-2010."

Meanwhile, the latest Olivier Job Index found the number of jobs advertised in Australia rose 3.58% in August. Full-time work was up 3.4% and part-time work up 5.3% in the last month, the report found. With the new jobs opening up in the market at a higher speed, the Australian govt is encouraged to support skilled immigration. The regional areas of Australia still need to be developed while the metropolitan areas like Melbourne and Sydney witnesses’ higher unemployment ratio. As more and more jobs lie vacant, Australia would need people from around the globe who could fill in the spots.


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Saturday, October 3, 2009

UK Visa Application Centre Witness a Huge Rush Following the Implementation of New Rules

Many parts of Northern India witnessed a huge rush of student visa applications following the implementation of study visa rules changing for UK. The UK visa application centre in Chandigarh, India, was overrun with people earlier this week. The crowd had to be dispersed with the help of local police forces as the UK visa application centre in Jalandhar was over crowded. All the applicants were hoping to obtain their visas before the changes to the UK visa regulations that were to be introduced on 1st October 2009.

The UK border agency applied certain changes for applications to the student visa category. The new tighter restrictions affect those applying for visas under Tier 4 of the UK points based system. It also largely impact people who are hoping to gain a student visa to allow them to study in the UK. Before October 1st, there were not such strict requirements for an applicant to apply for a student visa in terms of ‘declaration of finances’. The tighter restrictions require student visa applicants submitted from outside the UK to show they have funds for fees and maintenance in their banks for a 28 day period within a month of making their application. However, those who applied before 01 October only had to show they had the funds on the day they applied.

The visa application centres witnessed a huge rush in Punjab and Haryana region.
Many of those seeking visas in the rush failed as the counter at the Visa Facilitation Services centre closed early due to a large crowd of people who had come from all over the region. As reported by a visa seeker about desperation among the applicants, "there is no discipline here. Nobody is giving us any information. The police are also baton charging us. First police asked us to sit, then after about ten minutes, they started beating us. One boy started bleeding after being hit in the leg."

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Proficient English for a Good Job in Australia

A recent study claims that due to lack of cultural assimilation skills, Australian student visa holders are losing out on opportunities to work in Australia. The study was commissioned by the Australian government. The study reports that many young foreigners who have studied in Australia even after being highly skilled or semi skilled in professions demanded in skill shortage lists, are struggling to succeed in interviews. Students who do not speak English as their first language have problems communicating successfully in the workplace. The study was carried out by the ‘Centre for the Study of Higher Education’ found the facts about problems of communication among students who do not speak English at workplaces.

The study’s project director Sophie Arkoudis said that overseas students often saw the ability to communicate effectively in interviews and in work as irrelevant. She explained, ''The students are very fixed on completing their course. However, many students may not see learning social language skills as relevant.” The study concluded that, “the Australian employers interviewed sought well-rounded employees who not only have sufficient English language skills but also have the cross-cultural ability and the potential to adapt to working in Australia'.''

A spokesperson for Julia Gillard, the education minister, said she welcomed the study as it showed that 85% of immigrants who had moved to Australia on student visas were able to find work in Australia within six months of graduating. Communication has always been a bridging factor as well as a gap between foreigners and local people. The study was titled as “The impact of English language proficiency and workplace readiness on the employment outcomes of tertiary international students”.

The study concluded that non English speaking students experienced difficulties getting a job than those international students who spoke English. Apart from that the study gave recommendations as how international students could be helped further to get a job in Australia. The employer groups are encouraged to develop access and equity guidelines for recruiting overseas-born workers (both onshore and offshore graduates), taking into consideration fair and equitable strategies/methods for evaluating applicant’s communication skills.


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