Tuesday, October 20, 2009

European Council Approve Blue Card Scheme

In order to cope up with the problems of aging population and shortages of highly skilled workforce, the European Parliament adopted a measure to help deal with them by going ahead with the much awaited ‘Blue Card’ scheme. Impressed with the results of many countries which gladly accept skilled labor from around the world, Europe now also wants skilled workforce to help alleviate shortages in its labor market. The much awaited Blue Card system is now set to function for European Immigration and work permit. Compared to the stats of skilled workforce around the world, it has been noted that as compared to US with a 3.2 percent of skilled workforce, Europe only has a total of 1.7 percent of working population as skilled labor. It has also been noted that the success of the United States Green Card has played an immense role in influencing the European Union’s decision to go ahead with the ‘Blue Card’ scheme to attract top talents. Apart from USA, the success of Canada and Australia has also played a role for the council’s decision making. Both nations are also pursuing skilled foreign workers with open arms by utilizing a points based schemes to attract overseas help. The point based system is based upon many factors such as education, experience and age.

The European Union’s Blue Card Scheme does not have any points based system but the scheme sure has provided details of some requirements for applicants. The Blue Card Scheme requires the pursuing foreign workers to have a valid job offer. They should have also earned a university degree from educational institutions with duration of at least three years or they are required to have at least five years experience in the relevant work sector. In addition, blue card holders will also have access to many social services like Pension Scheme, health care etc. The Blue Card holders will also be allowed to move to another member states after 18 months incase they get another job there. Also, after six months, family reunification would be allowed if the spouse has the ability to work as well.

Researches have shown that Europe will have a shortfall of 20 million workers by 2030 if the current demographic trend continues. Therefore, the goal of the scheme is to better harmonize the 27 different immigration policies. Some nations like UK, Ireland, and Denmark would be exempted from the Blue Card Scheme and Member nations will have a maximum of two years to implement the Blue Card.


written by varsha negi


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