Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Australia Second Best Place to Live as Reports UNDP

According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Report Rankings, Australia is the second best place to live in the whole world as it offers a quality lifestyle. Norway is ranked as the first best place with excellent quality of life. The ranking for best life by UNDP, Human Development Report, was done keeping basic factors in mind like -life expectancy, education and wealth as these factors affect the basic life experienced by the people of a country. By the present UNDP report, Australia is the second best country to offer a great quality of life and such ranking would encourage the new aspirants to immigrate to Australia even more. The present ranking is purely based on the country’s strong performance and is hence indexed in top listing.
Based on the data over the past year, the average life expectancy in Australia has increased by three to four months besides the average income of people rose by 4 percent. These figures are set aside keeping in mind the impact of recession on people living in Australia and it illustrates the fact that Australians have survived the economic slump and dealt with it quite nicely. The report suggests that countries that offer a high quality of life attract more migrants, with thousands of people moving to Australia each year on work visas and working holiday visas. It states, ''most migration, internal and international, reap gains in the form of higher incomes, better access to education and health, and improved prospects for their children.'' Along with that, Canada was ranked 4th and USA stood as the 13th country which offered best quality of life. The report was based on the data taken from 182 countries overall. Niger, Afghanistan and Sierra Leone scored worst in terms of human development and the poorest performing region was sub-Saharan Africa, where states are afflicted by war and HIV/AIDS.

written by Varsha Negi


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