Monday, October 26, 2009

UK Immigration and Population Growth

If change continues at the current rate of growth, UK’s population will grow by 10 million in just 25 years. Some recent figures from The Office for National Statistics (ONS) mentions that the population will rise from the current level of 61m to 71.6m by 2033. Two third of the population rise, out of the total is likely to be because of growth in immigration rate in UK. The projected increase in UK is defined on the basis of fastest population growth over a century. The claims of expected population growth is greatly challenged by some as suspecting the UK immigration trend as witnessed in the country over the last few years may not continue. Statisticians said at least 70 per cent of the population rise over the next 20 years will be attributable directly to immigration. The government receives statistics in advance so that they plan strategies for necessary spending therefore the projections of population growth with immigrants of National population size are drawn every two years.

As well as the continued increase in UK immigration the projections claim: - The number of over 65’s will rise by 32% by 2033 to 15.6m. In 25 years time there will be a ratio of 2.8 persons of working age to every person of pension-claiming age - this is a fall from the current 3.2 people. The statistics provided by ONS states that a total of 180,000 new immigrants will immigrate to the UK every year and the trend would continue for next 25 years which will have a direct impact on the local population and added growth as the immigrant population could also double following the birth of children in their families.

Pointing out the issue, the UK immigration minister Phil Woolas mentioned that the projected number was 10,000 lower a year than previously projected by the ONS showing the new points-based system to UK immigration was working. He said, “Today's projections show that population growth is starting to slow down, the impacts of the radical reforms we have made to the immigration system over the last two years are working”.

1 comment:

  1. Oh its very insightful. Thanks for sharing.
