Monday, November 23, 2009

Quebec Province to welcome more Immigrants after Changes in the Quebec Skilled Worker Program

Modifications in the Quebec Skilled Worker Program will let the province to greet additional immigrants. The fresh selection system for Quebec Skilled Workers will make it easier for a number of applicants to meet the criteria. On July 2009 there were reports highlighting that the province of Quebec which handles its own immigration program as part of an agreement with the Canadian Federal government, would be making certain changes to the Quebec Skilled Worker program. On October 14th changes to the Quebec immigration programme were announced and implemented and the new criteria could make it very easy for some applicants to qualify for immigration to Quebec province. According to the new changes, the most significant change reduces the overall selection pass mark from 59 to 55 for a single applicant and from 68 to 63 for a couple. There are various new measures now like the breakdown of points awarded for education has been amended to recognize more types of diplomas than under the previous system. Undergraduate diplomas attesting to 1 or 2 years of university education and more vocational and technical diplomas are now considered. Applicants with certain educational backgrounds will not only benefit from more points, but will also qualify for priority processing. The more encouraging weighting of the education and age criteria could make it easier for some applicants, who did not meet the criteria under the previous system, to become entitled to immigrate to Canada in the Quebec Skilled Worker category.
Apart from that, in addition, the “Areas of Training” criterion, which awards bonus points to applicants with certain educational or training backgrounds, has been changed to reflect the current needs of Quebec’s economy and labour market. The breakdown of points awarded for an applicant’s age has also been adjusted, so that it declines less rapidly after the age of 35 than under the previous system. After the implementation of giving Education and Age criteria so much of importance in a more favourable kind of way it can make it easier for some applicants that do not qualify under the previous system can now become eligible to immigrate to Canada under the Quebec Skilled Worker Category.
People who make a successful application to obtain a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) can later submit their application to Citizenship and Immigration Canada office for various checks like medical and security checks for the issuance of a Canadian PR visa. The new rules had been in operation since October 14 and all the applications that are being received now are now assessed under this new system of follow up. For many reasons Quebec is the best choice if one wishes to immigrate to Canada.

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