Monday, November 16, 2009

UK constricts Immigration Policies keeping Elections in Mind

UK makes an ‘immigration policy’ move that could unfavorably impact entry of foreign immigrants including those coming from India into the country. As the British Prime Minister, Mr. Gordon Brown announced in his first speech on immigration in 18th months that UK vows to tighten immigration rules to restrict the number of professionals coming to UK under any kind of immigration scheme.
The Prime Minister suggested that some occupations like engineers, hospital consultants, skilled chefs and care workers should be removed from the current occupation list. In a statement made by the Prime Minister, Mr. Brown said, “So we favour, a tough but fair approach, rooted in a points system, under which we decide what category of skills are to be allowed into this country. This combines the flexibility and control that is right, with a continued commitment to strong borders and a rigorous enforcement of the laws against illegal immigration.”
Adding to the following, Mr. Brown also announced that a review of the student visa system should be made in order to make the present student visa rules stricter for overseas students. The statement on student visa could mean that visas granted on short courses would be limited on assigned quotas and also the review would include limiting part time work rules for foreign students as statistically speaking about 31,000 foreign students are currently studying in the UK. New immigration rules, which have been announced earlier, also include extending the point based system to citizenship.
According to the experts, the constrictions made to the immigration system are necessary due to the present economic situation which has undergone recession and a lot of local population is unemployed. The experts have also warned that the new rules would be considered more unfair towards non- EU immigrants. The amendments proposed also suggest that the influx of immigrants coming from Europe also needs to be controlled. The debate on immigration arose as UK elections are just a month away and immigration and its consequences is a very controversial topic in the UK.

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