Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cookery Courses, now 'known' popular pathway for Australian Immigration

As many foreign students are learning about the opportunity of easy permanent residence in Australia after doing a professional cookery course- while at the same time campaigners protesting against the sudden increase of immigrants in Australia have demanded to remove the ‘Cookery’ course from the famous Skilled Occupation List. It is felt that many foreign students are opting for easier ways to get a direct immigration to Australia like choosing an easy course which falls in its skilled occupation lists. The Monash University’s Centre for population and Urban Research reported that the foreign students studying in Australia after getting enrolled in cooking courses have increased this year by 8 times compared with that in 2004. The present situation is termed as “The Cooking Immigration Nexus” as per the report. The report states that the label of Permanent Residence is quite appealing to people coming from developing countries which are providing its residents comparatively very low wage and living standards than in Australia. The pursuit of a better life in Australia makes the Indian students or young workers opt for such courses in Australia in order to gain an easy permanent residency to avoid the assessment test procedures.

The people who are willing to go for this kind of a deal are willing to do anything to achieve that which sometimes also results in exploitation of the employee by the employer. As it has been noted that most of the students going to Australia for studying ‘Cookery’ only want to work in their professions till the time they are granted with the Permanent Resident status. After they acquire the status of a PR, many of them do not continue working as the same. This again results in shortage of skilled labour for Australia and rise in unemployment. It is observed that with time due to the increase number of immigrant flow to Australia and the fact that the individuals who are going under their opted professions would not work in the same profession in Australia would make the immigration authorities to perform certain checks on its immigrants to keep a track of the trade level workers.

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