Thursday, May 21, 2009


IELTS is the INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEST SYSTEM specially designed for proving English Language skills of prospective applicants from countries who wish to study abroad. Its basically a test to check whether the foreign applicant who wishes to study/ live/ immigrate etc to an English speaking or a westernised country has the ability to speak/ write/ comprehend the English language so that there is no problem for them and the new country’s authorities to communicate with the applicants. IELTS is mandatory if you are pursuing an international education, employment or immigration across the world.

The exam of IELTS consists of 4 parts- reading, writing, comprehension and listening. In total, usually the immigration authorities for Australia requires about 6 to 7 Bands each of IELTS score in all the part out of 9 bands. However, for other countries there are different requirements.

At Angad Info, while processing the visa application- IELTS Score is obligatory as no immigration is provided without the IELTS Score Certificate. Since the introduction of immigration reforms and policies in Australia, the concessional IELTS waiver is not practiced any more as the foreign authorities have made it requisite to provide them the score without which the file is straightaway rejected. We require IELTS certificates for all kinds of Immigration we do. For pathways to countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada, UK, Europe there are some categories that do not require the IELTS Score card.

To find more about IELTS exam there are two registered authorities where you can enrol yourself and take the test online.
The British Counsel and (


For more information and queries please visit our website- or email us at or


  1. Spelling is really important in IELTS especially if you are targeting a score of above seven. Importance of spelling is more for listening and writing. To score seven or above, you need to get around 33 out of 40 on an average. Wrong spelling is penalised and no mark is awarded. So 2-3 spelling mistakes can be damaging.

    Take the following test many times and wee if you are consistently scoring Green. If not, you need to give special attention to spelling.

    click here to take exam My best wishes to all IELTS exam takers.

  2. Hey Thanks for the tips. I am sure any tips on IELTS exams would be carefully observed by our readers.

  3. and it a few. take a look at it, hopefully I can add you and follow.
    Immigration To Australia

  4. thanks for providing the information about IELTS exam. those students are doing IELTS in IELTS Institutes In Chandigarh they should read this blog at least once. this is really valuable for them
