Friday, May 8, 2009

UK Universities to Campaign to Attract Overseas Students

Many Universities in the United Kingdom are pestering the government to help them get more and more foreign students to study in their campuses by easing the student visa rules. It is surprising to notice that the UK universities are competing with other countries like Australia etc, to enrol more and more foreign students. The ‘Universities UK’ has termed the overseas students as a ‘major export industry’. Drummond Bone, president of Universities UK quoted, “It is worth more than food and drink, tobacco, insurance, ships and aircraft”. Because of this the government would be lobbied to promote higher education in UK to recruit a potential student market instead of promoting restrict recruitment of students in the UK. UK has been a very popular destination among students for higher education. However the surveys conducted by OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) indicated that the proportion of businesses from students was slipping from UK universities resulting in comparatively lesser number of students choosing UK as their study destination. Professor Bone was quoted saying, “"For British universities to remain amongst the foremost destinations for international higher education, we urge the government to support our efforts, and avoid putting any unnecessary barriers in our way. We have already raised our concerns about recent changes to the visa regime for international students as well as further measures proposed by government, including plans to abolish the right of appeal for international students who are refused visas, that risk making us less attractive as a study destination." The new study destination now days is Australia, as Australia attracts increasing number of students because of the opportunities it provides to its students after they finish their studies. Australia has the highest number of foreign students to its share than any other country. With time it is estimated that the Education business would grow substantially which could give an estimated business of about 20 Billion British Pounds by 2020. UK Universities are also planning to grow their universities by opening their campuses abroad. The ‘study abroad’ programmes help educational institutions benefit by getting a cultural exposure, diversity and moreover it helps their economy.
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