Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Denmark Pathways Visas

The Pathway programmes to Denmark are of great benefit as Denmark offers a variety of exuberant programmes for foreign workers. Being in Denmark is like an open invitation to travel across the European Union with plenty of work opportunities across the whole Europe. The pathway programmes to Denmark are limited with a few opportunities that lead to a Permanent Residency. However, you have to qualify a certain requirements before you actually get the permanent residency status of Denmark. Internships, Work Permits, Danish Green Card, Training programmes, Workshops etc are the most popular programmes.

At Angad Info, we have a wide database about successful pathway programmes to various countries. Our experts guide you the right way to make you choose the perfect option that is available for you. We assure you that choosing Angad Info would be like choosing the right pathway for your successful career.

For more information and queries please visit our website- or email us on

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