Tuesday, March 31, 2009

United States Via ANGAD INFO

United States of America is the world’s third largest country after Russia and Canada located in Central North America and it compromises 50 states which are bordered by Canada to the North and Mexico to the South. The total area is USA is 9.83 million Km2 with an existing population of 306 million people making it again the third largest populated country after China and India.

USA is not only just large in size, it is also the world’s most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations because of its large scale immigration from worldwide in the past as well as in the present. The history of USA is very remarkable. Like the diversity in ethnic background, USA also compromises diverse climatic conditions. USA has almost every kind of climate to live in from tropical to arctic weather in the country ranging from the location of the state.

The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fuelled by a well developed infrastructure and a high productivity. USA is a dream destination for most of the people around the world. It is very developed and full of opportunities which are why many philosophers have mentioned it as an ‘American Dream’ of many people struggling to settle in a luxurious country. Inspite of its diverse background and cosmopolitan nature the whole USA speaks English as their mother tongue which makes it easier for an outsider to settle down.

USA gives you a healthy environment to live and the total life expectancy of which is 76 years. It’s a multicultural society with great places to see that offer some or the other historical illustrations of stories. The literacy rate of USA is 99%. USA has many of the world’s highly ranked institutions, colleges and universities for pursuing higher education. USA has been a subject of envy of many countries since decades because of its prosperity and growth.

For more information visit our website- www.angadinfo.com or email us at angadinfo@gmail.com

Chandigarh; To be one among the highest to outsource students abroad

In spite of recession, the youngsters from Chandigarh city wants to pursue their education from abroad and famous foreign shores still remain their favourite. The Princeton Review published a survey which reports that Chandigarh is going to be the largest market in India to outsource maximum number of students abroad for further studies. According to the institute’s findings, about 84,000 students from India went abroad last year out of which about 7000 alone were from Chandigarh, Bangalore remains the first with Delhi and Chennai being the second from India to send highest numbers of students abroad.

The most taken field of study field remains Engineering whereas the most popular study abroad destinations are USA, UK, Canada and Australia. As per the records, the numbers of students taking tests of TOEFL, GRE and SAT have supposedly risen in the area. Ms. Nidhie Modi, the group’s executive director said, “We compiled the data after examining reports of students applying in foreign institutions from various consulates to explain the methodology adopted to arrive at the present findings”.

It has been widely observed that affluent students from the city generally opt for foreign shores to follow their further studies, making it one of the most acknowledged states to send students wanting to study abroad. Whereas, it is really interesting to notice that Chandigarh alone has about 1200 educational consultants making it almost double the number in any city of the country. There has to be a reason behind that which is now clearly been found out by the survey.

© www.angadinfo.com Email: angadinfo@gmail.com Source; www.wikipedia.com

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Czech Republic is a landlocked country in Central Europe, bordering Poland to the northeast, Germany to the west, Austria to the south and Slovakia to the east, in European continent. Czech Republic is also a part of the European Union. The total area of Czech Republic is 78,866 sq km with a total population of about 10 million (10,212,000). Whereas mostly Czech people speak Czech language, English has been widely spoken by the younger generation. The famous capital of Czech is the big city of Prague. The Czech landscape is quite varied from low mountains to quite hilly areas. The Czech Republic has a continental climate with hot summers and cold, cloudy and snowy winters. However because of diversities in landscape and area, temperatures vary greatly within Czech Republic.

Although in most respects life in Czech Republic has rapidly approached Western standards of living. The cost of living here remains substantially lower than in Western Europe. Czechs value forward thinking, logical, practical and efficient way of life. Czech Republic is famous for its luxurious life style with a wide range of entertainment, arts and food. It should be noted that the country has very low rate of rate of violent crime with a total life expectancy rate of 76 years. Czech has great shopping centres in Prague, the city capital with major international retail chains as well as famous boutique stores. Czech Republic also has its reputation as a successful sporting nation. Sports like Ice Hockey, football, basketball, tennis, volleyball, swimming, table tennis and most particularly golf remains famous and favourite among the Czechs.

There are great education institutions in the country with very high standards of education which is why; the literacy rate of the country is 100%. Czechs are a mix of modern people mixed with great traditional and cultural values. Some of the many architectural sites of the country come under world heritage list published by UNESCO. They have preserved their culture and heritage while living a life much admired by all over the world.

For more information and questions visit our website on www.angadinfo.com or email us on angadinfo@gmail.com

[1] © www.angadinfo.com Email: angadinfo@gmail.com
Source; www.wikipedia.com

Thursday, March 26, 2009

IRELAND Via Angad Info

Ireland is an island in the north Atlantic with a total area of 70,280 sq km and population of about under 6 million. Ireland features coastal mountains in the west and interior agricultural low lands, with numerous hills, lakes and bogs in its scenery. Ireland is the 20th largest island in the world. Traditionally the island of Ireland is subdivided into 4 provinces; Connacht, Leinster, Munster and Ulster. Ireland has a mild but changeable temperature with few extremes, making it a cold yet pleasant country to live in. Irish people are known for their music and dance and love for food and beverages. The Irish tradition of folk music and dance is known world wide. Irish people are known for their culture and most popularly for their harmony therefore, Ireland boasts a life expectancy rate of 78 years. Irish government is very much aware about environment international agreements and therefore, teaches its citizens to protect the same.
Apart from everything, Ireland is rich in architecture, culture, heritage, literary history and vibrant traditions. Living in Ireland has a lot going for it. There are still job vacancies in high tech areas like IT, pharmaceuticals etc. Education in Ireland is easier than rest of the Europe and Ireland has a literacy rate of 98%. Ireland boasts a strong and thriving economy and some of the most beautiful scenery the world has to offer.

for more info and questions- mail us at angadinfo@gmail.com or visit our website- www.angadinfo.com

New Student Visa Rules in France

N e w v i s a r u l e s I n F r a n c e [1]
France has introduced new rules for work and residence permits to facilitate professional mobility between India and France and Indian students keen on working in France. According to Jean-Yves Lavoir, Chef de La Mission for Professional Immigration, French Ministry of Immigration, who is here to create awareness about the rules, the 'Skills and Expertise' residence permit is a temporary permit, valid for upto three years at a time, on a renewable basis.
It is directly delivered by French consulates and enables the holder to engage in a salaried or business activity in France. It is designed for foreign nationals who have the potential to carry out a professional project, in areas spread across a vast canvas that encompasses scientific, industrial, commercial, cultural and humanitarian activities. The 'Intra-company transfer' permit has been created to facilitate intra-group mobility within international company groups or establishments. This gives its holder permission to work and is valid upto three years at a time, on a renewable basis, for employees expatriated by their company to a French subsidiary or reassigned within the same group, Ms. Lavoir said.

SOURCE: The Tribune Chandigarh

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2009 a lucrative year for Migrants seeking Resident Visa in Canada

Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism announced that in 2009, Canada will be welcoming 240,000 to 265,000 new permanent residents. The minister said, “The numbers reflect a continued commitment to an immigration programme that balances Canada’s economic, humanitarian and family reunification goals”. Whereas, it is noticed that many a countries are drawing attention in taking fewer immigrants every year. Further elaborating the Minister said “While countries such as U.K. and Australia are talking about taking fewer immigrants, our planned numbers for 2009 are on par with last year and are among the highest for the country over the past 15 years”.

The plan mentions that upto 156,600 immigrants will be admitted to the economic category, 71,000 in the family category and 37,400 in the humanitarian category. Infact it is a good and lucrative offer for Indians seeking to settle abroad since they have an open option when most of the countries are nearly closing down and being choosy about their intake.

Canada provides programmes and services to support newcomers in a variety of ways by providing language training, so that they have the language skills to function in Canada. Canadian govt helps by various ways- by providing information they need to better understand life in Canada, by providing assistance to find employment which matches their skills and education.

Monday, March 23, 2009


The United Kingdom is a country in North Western Europe. It is bordered to the south by the English Channel, to the east by the North Sea and to the west by the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. U.K. consists of 4 countries- England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The total population of UK is 61,113,205 and the area of UK is 243,000 sq km. The temperature of UK is usually moderated making it a cold place to live. The United Kingdom has been the home of Kings and Queens since centuries, therefore it is rich is marvellous architecture of pre-historic and renaissance era.
England is the most populous part of the U.K. with almost 49 million inhabitants, almost one third of England’s people live in the prosperous south-eastern part in the country centred on London- which is also one of the largest cities in Europe. Scotland, with one third of Britain’s area is a mountainous land with 5 million people, with Glasgow and Edinburgh being the biggest and most popular cities. Wales on the other hand has a population of 2.9 million people with a Celtic culture.
The industrial revolution was born in Britain in the 18th century, making it the world’s first industrialized nation. The literacy rate in the UK is almost 99% and a life expectancy rate of 78 years. The United Kingdom’s highest literacy rate (99%) is attributable to universal public education. Education is mandatory from ages 5 through 16. About 1/5th of British students go on to post-secondary education. The U.K. has the 5th largest economy in the world; it is also the second largest economy in the European Union and is a major international trading power. A highly developed, diversified, market based economy with extensive social welfare services provides most residents with a high standard of living. Unemployment and inflation levels are amongst the lowest within the European Union.
London ranks alongside New York as a leading international financial centre. It is a hub for career oriented people who wish to live in a developed nation and at the same time broaden their horizons to grow further to prosper.

For more info, visit our website- www.angadinfo.com or email us- angadinfo@gmail.com

SINGAPORE via Angad Info

Singapore has a total area of 692.7 sq Km, comprising one main island and a number of islets scattered off its northeast and southern coasts. Singapore is an equatorial country with relatively uniform temperatures, high humidity all year round and abundant rainfall to nourish its landscape. Singapore has a population of 4.86 million out of which mostly there is an aging population which makes it compulsory for Singapore government to find skilled professionals outside their country to substitute the shortage of workers. Singapore uses 4 official languages, out of which English Language remains the language of administrative as well as medium of institution in schools and other educational institutions. Singapore is not only a highly developed area but it’s a social hub for many cultural activities like ethnic festivals, arts, food paradise, shopping paradise etc.
Apart from everything, the standards of living in Singapore are very high. The architecture of Singapore is varied with tall skyscrapers and small buildings. That is why Singapore is also known to be truly unique. The compact size of Singapore contributes to its economic growth. Singapore has grown into a thriving centre of commerce and industry. Singapore’s strategic location, excellent facilities, fascinating cultural contrasts and tourist’s attractions contributes to its success as a leading business as well as pleasure destination[1]

For any queries and information- visit our website www.angadinfo.com or mail us at angadinfo@gmail.com


Friday, March 20, 2009

Immigrate to Canada via ANGAD INFO

Canada is the second largest country in the world with Ottawa being its magnificent capital city. People in Canada mostly speak two languages comprising of English and French. Canada has the world’s largest coastline with oceans on its three sides- Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic. Canada has about 2 million lakes created by vast glaciers in its landscape. Canada is also rich in Flora and Fauna- Forest covers almost half of Canada and has one tenth of the world’s forests. Canada has many places that offer almost equivalent spectacular views to see. People in Canada enjoy food and beverages as much as they enjoy nature. Canada is also rich is culture and heritage. It’s a mix society and people in Canada are from all over the world. Canada offers equal rights to its inhabitants.

The population of Canada is 32.8 million and 77 percent of Canadians live in cities and towns and the country itself is highly urbanised. Canada is home to people who had come there from every part of the world. Therefore, multiculturalism aims to preserve a sense of belonging and cross cultural understanding among Canadians. Canada is consistently ranked as one of the top countries in the world for its exceptionally high quality of life. Canada is placed consistently in the top six among a field of 177 countries, in terms of standard of living, health, education, life expectancy, income, poverty levels and environment quality by the UN Human Development Index.

Canada is a beautiful and diverse country therefore, getting the right visa takes solid advance preparation. Canada remains one of the world’s top immigration destinations with the Canadian government seeking to attract the elusive ‘skilled worker’. With its popular point based skilled worker programme, the Canadian government attracted upwards of 250,000 workers in 2007 alone.
For more information and questions regarding visa queries please email us at angadinfo@gmail.com or visit our website www.angadinfo.com


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Miscellaneous Visas and Assistance

[1]Apart from all the mentioned visas there are many other popular visas for settling abroad. We at Angad Info, also deal in various special category visas if the applicant demonstrates a specific level of expertise and excellence in listed fields like sports, arts, culture etc. It also depends on the skills that a person has apart from the relations with people living in a particular country. A county would also give preference to a person if he or she proves to be beneficial for their growth in anyway. We have excelled in our field by researching on various ways for you to get a permanent residency or citizenship easily through these special categories.

Our experts guide you to match your needs for your future establishment in a foreign county by making you choose the most appropriate option and by keeping a track of your file information, quality checks, help with resumes, assistance in locating foreign job opportunities by effective and efficient searches etc.

We are confident that Angad Info will help you shape your future in the most brilliant way than you could ever imagine. Our guidance would not only be appreciated by you, but you will also be more than satisfied with our expert consultation services as we are committed to provide you the very best professional assistance in the industry.

For more information and questions relating immigration and visa please visit our website http://www.angadinfo.com/ or mail us at angadinfo@gmail.com
© Angad Info,
www.angadinfo.com , angadinfo@gmail.com

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

F a m i l y V i s a

[1] At Angad Info, we have special experts to help you assist for applying for a family visa. On some specific criteria many a countries allow their citizens to sponsor their blood relatives to live in that country. There are specific guidelines that one must follow for a sponsored family visa. Our experts at Angad Info have kept a track record of all the specific requirements and therefore we have a very high success rate in obtaining a family sponsored visa.

Obtaining a spouse visa or a dependent child visa is comparatively easier than obtaining a sponsored visa for a relative as some countries give family re-unification visas a priority. We have high success rate in spouse visas for Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand. We have achieved exceptional results in getting spouse visas in shortest record time, as we know how to provide exact and impressive information in visa documentation to the case officer.

© Angad Info,
www.angadinfo.com , angadinfo@gmail.com

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

T o u r i s t V I s a a n d Vi s i t o r V i s a

[1]At Angad Info, we help you making your dreams come true to travel abroad by preparing your visa documentations, arranging your visa interviews and also guiding you how to face an embassy interview if required. We also help you in procuring a tourist or a visitor visa in shortest possible time in case of certain emergencies like special functions/ events/ marriage functions or medical emergencies. We also have special packages for business persons and frequent travellers to arrange their visas on scheduled time for special meetings, event, exhibition, seminars, workshops, fairs overseas.

Our expertise in arranging the documentations and filing for an application are much appreciated by many clients. Our success rate in getting a visa is also very high. We also guide you about air ticketing, hotel bookings and purchasing of foreign exchange in best possible manner in order to make your overseas journey a smooth one.

For more information and questions regarding visas visit our website www.angadinfo.com or email us at angadinfo@gmail.com
© Angad Info,
www.angadinfo.com , angadinfo@gmail.com

Monday, March 16, 2009

P a t h w a y s

The progressive step of development within your work area is commonly referred to as Pathways. At Angad Info, we help you find a suitable career pathway with maximum scope in technical and professional degrees to give you a breakthrough to practice your occupation abroad. For example we have great pathways for doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, physiotherapists, dentists, engineers, lawyers, accountants etc. Our experts at Angad Info have advanced knowledge about pathway procedures and handling of your visa file application. We keep our standards up to the mark with respect to quality checking and confidentiality of your file.

Pathways basically help you broaden your horizons by expanding your existing knowledge and skills. Some of these pathways include independent study, internship, training pathways, add-on courses, specialized courses, professional training, supervised training, practical training and study and combination of these various formats. Hence, pathways also give you an opportunity to let you establish yourself in a foreign land after acquiring required credentials. We not only find a suitable pathway for you but we also guide you through out the procedure for a better output for your bright future.
For more information and questions visit our website www.angadinfo.com or mail us at angadinfo@gmail.com


© Angad Info, www.angadinfo.com , angadinfo@gmail.com

Friday, March 13, 2009

Foreign Internships and Training Visas @ Angad Info

At Angad Info, we help you find an appropriate internship or training programme abroad. Internship in a foreign county is a great opportunity to boost your work profile and gain invaluable experience. Internships or training programmes gives weightage to your resume and benefits in your placement in a good company. Our experts have updated information about excellent options for an internship or training programmes to best suit your profile and educational background.
We help you find internships and training visas offered by some of the top companies in the world like Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, The United Kingdom, The U.S.A. These countries not only provide you professional training but also permits you to gain diverse exposure in a new cultural, geographical and advanced environment which allows you to grow mentally and it also expands your horizon for prospects. Along with finding a suitable internship we also process and take care of your file for the visa application. If you are presently finishing up with a degree then it is the best time to let us know about your internship requirements to jumpstart your career. The benefits of getting a visa for an internship programme or a training programme are immense, like- exposure to world class infrastructure, skill acquisition, familiarity and valuable contacts abroad- which can lead to further to work permit or permanent residency in your desired country.

For more info, please visit our website www.angadinfo.com or email us at angadinfo@gmail.com

© Angad Info,
www.angadinfo.com , angadinfo@gmail.com

Business Visa and Opportunities @ Angad

B u s i n e s s V i s a [1]
Business Visa is specially designed for people wanting to go abroad to explore business ventures in the form of business visits, business development on provisional or permanent basis. Business Visa not only helps you establish your new or existing business in a new country but it also gives you the benefit of immigrating abroad as well. As it is widely observed, almost every country welcomes and entertains new businesses and accepts alien people willing to do business with them as they are on a look out to attract business endeavours, entrepreneurs, investors and self employed small or big firms to set up new businesses in their countries. Some countries often have special visas for people who are willing to invest heavily in their economies directly or indirectly.

At Angad Info, our experts have researched all the lucrative and profitable business prospects for you. We provide you with numerous options to help you figure out a suitable option after analysing the requirements that match your needs the best. If you are running a business with good track record, then your chances of getting visas are really great, as migration policies are often relaxed in way of age criteria, English proficiency and visa processing times. We do process various business visas according to the requirements of the applicant. If you are interested to expand your business in European Union, then opening a branch or business in Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia, Ukraine, Bulgaria can be considered. If Asia Pacific is your target, then Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Australia, Mauritius, can be considered. Rest some of the best countries like USA, Canada, United Kingdom have their own individual programs for business people.

For more information: visit our website www.angadinfo.com or email us at angadinfo@gmail.com

© Angad Info,
www.angadinfo.com , angadinfo@gmail.com

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Study Abroad @ Angad Info

Choosing a right module to study in a good university for a successful career is as important as choosing the right food for a healthy living. It’s not only a big decision for a successful career but it’s also an investment for a flourishing future. At Angad Info, We help you shape your future to perfection by giving our best effort. Our experienced advisors help in giving the right guidance by providing you the right information about the courses offered by various universities. They assist you in choosing from the very best of foreign universities and help you make a right choice to suit your requirements and needs. We also sort out the opportunities you could benefit after the completion of the course in your respective university.

We have thorough information about various courses offered in universities of Australia, The United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, The United States and Europe. Our expertise in drafting and submitting Statement of Purposes, Applications, Essays, clear and concise, recommendation letters, visa documentation is immaculate. Our services includes study abroad career counselling, IELTS/TOEFL coaching guidance, country/course selection, overseas admission, tuition fees submission, and visa submission.

Your trust is very much respected at Angad Info; therefore, we work as a credible friend to help you shine your future!

For more information and queries regarding study abroad please visit our website- http://www.angadinfo.com/ or please mail us at angadinfo@gmail.com

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Despite Recession, Need for Skilled Workers on Rise in Rich Countries

According to a report published in Geneva in beginning 2009 claimed that rich world will need more foreign workers in spite of the slump in world economy. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reports that “despite the current downturn, rich nations will continue to need foreign workers to fill jobs their shrinking work forces cannot or will not do”.

The 4th Migration Report by Geneva based inter governmental body also highlighted that today there are more than 200 million migrants around the world. According to the report, “As compared to the famous notion that developed nations require and usually compete for highly skilled immigrants but there is a need for low skilled workers as well”. According to one of the senior editors of the Migration Report, Gervais Appave, “Planning migration is especially important during recessions in the global economy such as the one we are witnessing today. The Asian financial crisis in the 1990 demonstrated the need for immigrant workers continues even during economic destitution.

There are always jobs that the host population don’t want to do,” was quoted by the IOM spokeswoman Jemini Pandya. Jobs that she indicated were mostly in the sectors like- heath care, domestic care, service industry etc. In 2005, Europe hosted the largest number of immigrants. The demographic data suggests that ‘today most of the migrant workforces come from Asia and by 2030, 40% of global workforce will be provided by China and India alone’.

Refrence: www.iom.int

For more info about Immigration or Jobs abroad query visit our website http://www.angadinfo.com/ or write to us on angadinfo@gmail.com

Monday, March 9, 2009

Australia's temporary skilled workers get wage hike!!!!

There is great news for Australian temporary skilled workers. The Australian government says it will increase the minimum wage for workers in Australia on temporary skilled worker visas, to help ensure they are not exploited.
Under the changes, workers on the visa's minimum wage will receive a 3.8 per cent pay increase, taking the standard minimum salary to about $US41, 600 per annum. The immigration and citizenship Minister, Chris Evans, says the pay increase will be accompanied by a higher level of monitoring to ensure employees do not exploit workers. Evans said appropriate actions will be taken in order to see to it that the new rules are being followed by all employers. This will help the new immigrants from abroad to have a good standard of living and better financial position.
Dated: 2009-03-02,
Source: GoogleNews

For assistance on jobs abroad and immigration please visit http://www.angadinfo.com/ or mail us with your any query on angadinfo@gmail.com

Friday, March 6, 2009

Immigration from India: Solution to Global Skills Shortages?

With most western countries suffering from an aging workforce and a lack of skill, there is a global shortage of talent - Immigration of Indians is the current solution. Each year masses of Indians migrate abroad seeking opportunities, whether it is for work or study and many developed countries are actively tapping into this Indian skills market. The reason why Indians are particularly sought after is largely due to the fact that many Indians are skilled, educated and can speak English.
In 2005- 45,000 immigrants came to the United Kingdom from India and about 15 000 received UK citizenship last year. Indians therefore make up the majority of immigrants in the UK. Immigration from Asia, in particular India makes up half of Canada's immigration population and in Australia the number of Indians entering the country went from just 5000 in 2001 to over 13 000 in 2007.
It is clear from these numbers that Indians are flooding abroad, but still these countries and others are looking to improve these numbers through aggressive skills recruitment. Indian immigration has benefits two ways; on the one hand it provides Indians with massive opportunities and on the other, it enables countries to actively compete in the global market. Therefore the numbers of Indians leaving India is set to rise.
For assistance on jobs abroad and migration please visit http://www.angadinfo.com/ or mail us with your any query on angadinfo@gmail.com

O u r P r o d u c t s

  • Immigration
  • Study Abroad
  • Pathways
  • Business Visas
  • Family Visas
  • Internships & Trainings
  • Tourist Visa/ Visitor Visa
  • Other Popular Visa


We are trusted name in providing the best worldwide immigration consultancy services. We have specialized knowledge and expertise in dealing with complete immigration visas for Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Denmark, Czech Republic, Singapore and Hong Kong. In most of the Immigration programs, skilled persons with good educational qualifications, English proficiency and relevant professional work experience. We take out you of the very confusing immigration terminology like Qualification Assessment, verification, Point claims, NOC, SOL, Green Card, sponsorships, Work Experience claims quite professionally and confidently. We have helped hundreds of cases to reach their dream destination in a very smooth way. Our quality and comprehensive immigration experience has taught us as how to handle each case and how to steer it towards success.

Study Abroad

Study abroad is one of the biggest decisions for a pathway to successful life. Our team of experienced advisors assists the applicants in making a right and a balanced choice after learning their requirements following an informal discussion on various relevant subjects. We work as a friend an advisor with the candidate in making the most appropriate choice. We also provide the right information sources to its students that could further assist that cause. We guide students as where to study, which courses are offered by the universities in that country, what are the opportunities after finishing the course in that country. We deal in study abroad opportunities for Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Europe (15 countries), USA, and United Kingdom. Our expertise in drafting and submitting Statement of Purposes, Applications, Essays, clear and concise, recommendation letters, visa documentation is immaculate. Our services includes study abroad career counselling, IELTS/TOEFL coaching guidance, country/course selection, overseas admission, tuition fees submission, and visa submission.


We offer professional pathways for people who have technical and professional degrees and who want to practise their occupation abroad. For example, we have some of the best pathways for doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, physiotherapists, dentists, Engineers, lawyers, accountants to ease their settlement in various countries abroad for practising their occupations. Some of these pathways include independent study, internship, training pathways, add-on courses, specialized courses, professional training, supervised training, practical training and study and combination of these various formats. Pathways give an excellent opportunity for settling in a foreign land with the required credentials. We have an experienced team of advisors who will guide you through the nitty gritty of pathways and settlement abroad.

Business Visas

Getting entry through Business visas is one of the shortest way to reach any country in very short time. Almost all the countries in the world are interested in attracting business investors, business entrepreneurs and self employed to establish their businesses in their countries which further leads to Permanent residency and citizenship. Most of the countries have special visas for people who can invest heavily in their economies directly or indirectly. Some countries have special unique visas for people who have excelled in their business fields and can contribute in their economy. If you are running a business with good track record, then your chances of getting visas are really great, as migration policies are often relaxed in way of age criteria, English proficiency and visa processing times. We do process various business visas according to the requirements of the applicant. If you are interested to expand your business in European Union, then opening a branch or business in Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia, Ukraine, Bulgaria can be considered. If Asia Pacific is your target, then Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Australia, Mauritius, can be considered. Rest some of the best countries like USA, Canada, United Kingdom have their own individual programs for business people.

Family Visas

Most of the countries allow their permanent residents and citizens to sponsor their close relatives like spouse, children, brother, sister, parents, uncle, aunts and cousins based on some specific criteria. The sponsors must promise to support their relatives or family members for the required period to help them to settle in that country. Each country allocates a quota of family-sponsored visas each year. Priority goes to partnership and dependent child places. There can be considerable wait for parent, sibling and adult child places depending upon the country. Some countries give Family Reunification visas a priority. We have high success rate in spouse visas for Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand. We have achieved exceptional results in getting spouse visas in shortest record time, as we know how to provide crisp and clear visa documentation to the case officer.

Internships & Trainings

If you are currently a student pursuing professional bachelor degree or have just passed out recent graduate then you can eligible for many of the Internship/Training visas offered by some of the best countries in the world like Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, UK and USA. An Internship in another country does so much more for you than you can imagine. Combine professional training and memorable experience in Western countries and climb a huge step forward in your life. This training helps you to meet people from different culture. If you are a fresher, then you can add on that valuable foreign work experience on your resume. The benefits are immense like exposure to world class infrastructure, experience and valuable contacts, which can lead further to work permits or permanent residency.

Tourist Visa/ Visitor Visa

As a visa consultant we can only help you in arranging Embassy interview appointments, preparing visa documentation, and guiding you in the best possible manner for facing Embassy interviews. If you have received sponsorship to attend that special function/event/marriage/medical emergency, we can help you in procuring visa in shortest possible time for any country. We have special packages for business persons and frequent travellers to arrange their visas on scheduled time for special meetings, event, exhibition, seminars, workshops, fairs overseas. We process every Tourist/Visitor/Business Visa file in the best possible manner and prepare you to sure shot visa in one go. We can also guide you about air ticketing, hotel bookings and purchasing of foreign exchange in best possible manner in order to make your overseas journey a smooth one.

Other Popular Visas

The process of getting visas, settlement in a foreign country for an applicant requires precise and accurate information regarding his suitability. Most of the visas are being granted on the basis of candidates’ skills, his relations with that particular country in way of relatives, friends or spouse. We deal in various other visas which are granted if the applicant has demonstrated national/international level expertise and excellence in the field of sports, arts, culture, writing and performing arts. Some countries also admit a foreign applicant, if they can see that the applicant can bring immense economic or other kind of benefit for that particular country. Our specialized research and contacts with overseas consultants/lawyers can give you some of the outstanding and fast citizenship/permanent residency grants. Some visas are also granted keeping in view your yearly earnings which can then qualify you various live and settle visas in various countries around the globe. Other visas include guardian study visas on study visas and this list is endless.

For detailed information visit our website www.angadinfo.com or mail us angadinfo@gmail.com

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our Services @ Angad For your Better Future

Angad Info provides you with various services to suit your needs. Such as-

  • Free Counselling

  • Free Assessment

  • Face to Face Consultation

  • Telephonic Consultation

  • Case Filing and Representation

  • Case Follow up and Regular Updates

  • Online Migration and Specialist

  • Pre Departure Briefing

  • Post Landing Services

  • HR Counselling

    Free Counselling:
    Making the right choice of immigrating to a particular country is imperative to a satisfying future. Our dedicated and first hand experienced team understands your needs very well and we make sure that our every client is well served and provided personalized attention. Keeping in view your individual profile and professional market scenario, we guide and assist you to make the best career choice.

    Free Assessment:
    The Free Visa Eligibility Assessment is designed to determine if you are eligible to apply for a particular Visa. The assessment takes only a few minutes to complete. It is easy to follow. The questions in the assessment have been specifically designed to act as a preliminary test for you to see if you meet the requirements for your visa. You should not rely on this result alone as a true indication of your ability to apply for migration to a particular country. You must fill up the form very carefully to help us assess your case efficiently.

    Face to Face consultation:
    The Face-to-Face Consultation service gives you the opportunity to meet one of our registered Migration Consultants in person to assist you with immigration & visa advice. Our Migration Consultants can give you a professional consultation regarding your visa application.
    After meeting our experienced Migration Consultants you will gain peace of mind and answers to all you questions.

    Telephonic consultation:
    The Telephone Consultation service enables you to contact our office and talk to one of our registered Migration Consultants. As the migration process can be complicated, it is strongly recommended that you speak to a professional Migration Consultant. Our consultants will ensure that you understand your obligations under any particular Visa category and give you advice to improve your chances of success in migrating to a particular country.

    Case filing and representation:
    We as your authorized agents represent your case in the Department of Immigration and Citizenship of the respective country. We prepare your detailed file to be submitted to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. We submit your documents electronically which takes far more less time for the visa to be granted.

    Case follow-up and regular updates:
    Your assigned counsellor does regular follow-ups with the colleges/universities and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship regarding the latest status of your case. Your counsellor updates you regarding any change in rules and regulations related to your visa.

    Online migration specialist:
    The Online Migration Specialist service offers you the convenience of an online consultation. The Online Migration Specialist allows members to receive answers to their queries about the migration process. You can log on to
    www.visaanswers.in, upload your query and expect a reply within one business day. This service will give you peace of mind, guide you through the application process, and make sure that you get the answers to your questions. You can ask our registered Migration Consultants any questions you have about your case or chosen destination.

    Pre Departure Briefings:
    We organize Pre Departure Programs and Get Together for our clients. We feel that this is the most important event for clients as this gives them an opportunity to make new friends and form a group. This session provides in depth knowledge of Culture, Environment, and Study Methods, Do’s and Don’ts and legal provisions of that country. We make sure that every client from our organization should feel relaxed and comfortable before landing and should not get any shock after reaching the destination.

    Post Landing services:
    Our support office in Victoria provides the following services:
    Ø Air Port Pickup (On Request)
    Ø Onshore Accommodation Search Assistance
    Ø Meet and Greet Orientation with other clients
    Ø Job Search Assistance
    Ø Interview Skills Preparation

    HR Counselling:
    Our counsellor’s will educate you regarding the employment opportunities available in your chosen country for migration. They will suggest you a job keeping in mind your educational qualifications, previous experience and opportunities available.

For more Info about Immigration Solutions Visit our Website- http://www.angadinfo.com/ or mail us - angadinfo@gmail.com

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

About us

Angad Info is one of the reputed and reliable Immigration Consultancy located in India and abroad simply for providing solutions to clients who aspire to go abroad for various reasons. At Angad Info, our emphasis is on achieving our client’s aim come true in minimal possible time and at a reasonable cost as at our company we value work ethics, principles and company’s credibility more than anything. On a diverse note we provide Immigration counseling services to various countries like- The U.S.A, The U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and South East Asian Countries regarding:

  • Skilled Migration
  • Business Migration
  • Student Visa
  • Sponsored Visa
  • Family /Spouse Visa
  • Tourist Visa etc.

The process of filing a visa application for moving to a new country at times is not only difficult but a simple mistake can also lead to the rejection of the applicant’s visa. At Angad Info, we try to minimize all your challenges and frustrations by taking care of the paper work, research and expert advice, leaving you free of hassles and confusions. At Angad Info, our approach is to give personal and expert attention for the processing of a client’s visa file to deliver outstanding results as we believe, ‘Our success depends on our client’s success ’. Our commitment to you as our client is to:

  • Exercise complete honesty in all our dealings.
  • Treat all our clients with respect and strive to meet their particular needs.
  • Safeguard the interests of our clients by not taking advantage of their situations.
  • Keep them fully informed about the changing visa rules, regulations and policies.
  • Inform our clients clearly of what they may expect from us and what we expect from them, before the client makes any kind of payment.
  • Keep all the information confidential provided to us by our clients.