Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chandigarh; To be one among the highest to outsource students abroad

In spite of recession, the youngsters from Chandigarh city wants to pursue their education from abroad and famous foreign shores still remain their favourite. The Princeton Review published a survey which reports that Chandigarh is going to be the largest market in India to outsource maximum number of students abroad for further studies. According to the institute’s findings, about 84,000 students from India went abroad last year out of which about 7000 alone were from Chandigarh, Bangalore remains the first with Delhi and Chennai being the second from India to send highest numbers of students abroad.

The most taken field of study field remains Engineering whereas the most popular study abroad destinations are USA, UK, Canada and Australia. As per the records, the numbers of students taking tests of TOEFL, GRE and SAT have supposedly risen in the area. Ms. Nidhie Modi, the group’s executive director said, “We compiled the data after examining reports of students applying in foreign institutions from various consulates to explain the methodology adopted to arrive at the present findings”.

It has been widely observed that affluent students from the city generally opt for foreign shores to follow their further studies, making it one of the most acknowledged states to send students wanting to study abroad. Whereas, it is really interesting to notice that Chandigarh alone has about 1200 educational consultants making it almost double the number in any city of the country. There has to be a reason behind that which is now clearly been found out by the survey.

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