Friday, March 20, 2009

Immigrate to Canada via ANGAD INFO

Canada is the second largest country in the world with Ottawa being its magnificent capital city. People in Canada mostly speak two languages comprising of English and French. Canada has the world’s largest coastline with oceans on its three sides- Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic. Canada has about 2 million lakes created by vast glaciers in its landscape. Canada is also rich in Flora and Fauna- Forest covers almost half of Canada and has one tenth of the world’s forests. Canada has many places that offer almost equivalent spectacular views to see. People in Canada enjoy food and beverages as much as they enjoy nature. Canada is also rich is culture and heritage. It’s a mix society and people in Canada are from all over the world. Canada offers equal rights to its inhabitants.

The population of Canada is 32.8 million and 77 percent of Canadians live in cities and towns and the country itself is highly urbanised. Canada is home to people who had come there from every part of the world. Therefore, multiculturalism aims to preserve a sense of belonging and cross cultural understanding among Canadians. Canada is consistently ranked as one of the top countries in the world for its exceptionally high quality of life. Canada is placed consistently in the top six among a field of 177 countries, in terms of standard of living, health, education, life expectancy, income, poverty levels and environment quality by the UN Human Development Index.

Canada is a beautiful and diverse country therefore, getting the right visa takes solid advance preparation. Canada remains one of the world’s top immigration destinations with the Canadian government seeking to attract the elusive ‘skilled worker’. With its popular point based skilled worker programme, the Canadian government attracted upwards of 250,000 workers in 2007 alone.
For more information and questions regarding visa queries please email us at or visit our website


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