Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Despite Recession, Need for Skilled Workers on Rise in Rich Countries

According to a report published in Geneva in beginning 2009 claimed that rich world will need more foreign workers in spite of the slump in world economy. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reports that “despite the current downturn, rich nations will continue to need foreign workers to fill jobs their shrinking work forces cannot or will not do”.

The 4th Migration Report by Geneva based inter governmental body also highlighted that today there are more than 200 million migrants around the world. According to the report, “As compared to the famous notion that developed nations require and usually compete for highly skilled immigrants but there is a need for low skilled workers as well”. According to one of the senior editors of the Migration Report, Gervais Appave, “Planning migration is especially important during recessions in the global economy such as the one we are witnessing today. The Asian financial crisis in the 1990 demonstrated the need for immigrant workers continues even during economic destitution.

There are always jobs that the host population don’t want to do,” was quoted by the IOM spokeswoman Jemini Pandya. Jobs that she indicated were mostly in the sectors like- heath care, domestic care, service industry etc. In 2005, Europe hosted the largest number of immigrants. The demographic data suggests that ‘today most of the migrant workforces come from Asia and by 2030, 40% of global workforce will be provided by China and India alone’.

Refrence: www.iom.int

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