Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2009 a lucrative year for Migrants seeking Resident Visa in Canada

Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism announced that in 2009, Canada will be welcoming 240,000 to 265,000 new permanent residents. The minister said, “The numbers reflect a continued commitment to an immigration programme that balances Canada’s economic, humanitarian and family reunification goals”. Whereas, it is noticed that many a countries are drawing attention in taking fewer immigrants every year. Further elaborating the Minister said “While countries such as U.K. and Australia are talking about taking fewer immigrants, our planned numbers for 2009 are on par with last year and are among the highest for the country over the past 15 years”.

The plan mentions that upto 156,600 immigrants will be admitted to the economic category, 71,000 in the family category and 37,400 in the humanitarian category. Infact it is a good and lucrative offer for Indians seeking to settle abroad since they have an open option when most of the countries are nearly closing down and being choosy about their intake.

Canada provides programmes and services to support newcomers in a variety of ways by providing language training, so that they have the language skills to function in Canada. Canadian govt helps by various ways- by providing information they need to better understand life in Canada, by providing assistance to find employment which matches their skills and education.

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