Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our Services @ Angad For your Better Future

Angad Info provides you with various services to suit your needs. Such as-

  • Free Counselling

  • Free Assessment

  • Face to Face Consultation

  • Telephonic Consultation

  • Case Filing and Representation

  • Case Follow up and Regular Updates

  • Online Migration and Specialist

  • Pre Departure Briefing

  • Post Landing Services

  • HR Counselling

    Free Counselling:
    Making the right choice of immigrating to a particular country is imperative to a satisfying future. Our dedicated and first hand experienced team understands your needs very well and we make sure that our every client is well served and provided personalized attention. Keeping in view your individual profile and professional market scenario, we guide and assist you to make the best career choice.

    Free Assessment:
    The Free Visa Eligibility Assessment is designed to determine if you are eligible to apply for a particular Visa. The assessment takes only a few minutes to complete. It is easy to follow. The questions in the assessment have been specifically designed to act as a preliminary test for you to see if you meet the requirements for your visa. You should not rely on this result alone as a true indication of your ability to apply for migration to a particular country. You must fill up the form very carefully to help us assess your case efficiently.

    Face to Face consultation:
    The Face-to-Face Consultation service gives you the opportunity to meet one of our registered Migration Consultants in person to assist you with immigration & visa advice. Our Migration Consultants can give you a professional consultation regarding your visa application.
    After meeting our experienced Migration Consultants you will gain peace of mind and answers to all you questions.

    Telephonic consultation:
    The Telephone Consultation service enables you to contact our office and talk to one of our registered Migration Consultants. As the migration process can be complicated, it is strongly recommended that you speak to a professional Migration Consultant. Our consultants will ensure that you understand your obligations under any particular Visa category and give you advice to improve your chances of success in migrating to a particular country.

    Case filing and representation:
    We as your authorized agents represent your case in the Department of Immigration and Citizenship of the respective country. We prepare your detailed file to be submitted to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. We submit your documents electronically which takes far more less time for the visa to be granted.

    Case follow-up and regular updates:
    Your assigned counsellor does regular follow-ups with the colleges/universities and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship regarding the latest status of your case. Your counsellor updates you regarding any change in rules and regulations related to your visa.

    Online migration specialist:
    The Online Migration Specialist service offers you the convenience of an online consultation. The Online Migration Specialist allows members to receive answers to their queries about the migration process. You can log on to, upload your query and expect a reply within one business day. This service will give you peace of mind, guide you through the application process, and make sure that you get the answers to your questions. You can ask our registered Migration Consultants any questions you have about your case or chosen destination.

    Pre Departure Briefings:
    We organize Pre Departure Programs and Get Together for our clients. We feel that this is the most important event for clients as this gives them an opportunity to make new friends and form a group. This session provides in depth knowledge of Culture, Environment, and Study Methods, Do’s and Don’ts and legal provisions of that country. We make sure that every client from our organization should feel relaxed and comfortable before landing and should not get any shock after reaching the destination.

    Post Landing services:
    Our support office in Victoria provides the following services:
    Ø Air Port Pickup (On Request)
    Ø Onshore Accommodation Search Assistance
    Ø Meet and Greet Orientation with other clients
    Ø Job Search Assistance
    Ø Interview Skills Preparation

    HR Counselling:
    Our counsellor’s will educate you regarding the employment opportunities available in your chosen country for migration. They will suggest you a job keeping in mind your educational qualifications, previous experience and opportunities available.

For more Info about Immigration Solutions Visit our Website- or mail us -


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