Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Student Visa Rules in France

N e w v i s a r u l e s I n F r a n c e [1]
France has introduced new rules for work and residence permits to facilitate professional mobility between India and France and Indian students keen on working in France. According to Jean-Yves Lavoir, Chef de La Mission for Professional Immigration, French Ministry of Immigration, who is here to create awareness about the rules, the 'Skills and Expertise' residence permit is a temporary permit, valid for upto three years at a time, on a renewable basis.
It is directly delivered by French consulates and enables the holder to engage in a salaried or business activity in France. It is designed for foreign nationals who have the potential to carry out a professional project, in areas spread across a vast canvas that encompasses scientific, industrial, commercial, cultural and humanitarian activities. The 'Intra-company transfer' permit has been created to facilitate intra-group mobility within international company groups or establishments. This gives its holder permission to work and is valid upto three years at a time, on a renewable basis, for employees expatriated by their company to a French subsidiary or reassigned within the same group, Ms. Lavoir said.

SOURCE: The Tribune Chandigarh

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