Thursday, April 16, 2009

Canada Business Visa- 1. Entrepreneur Visa

This type of a visa constitutes the Canadian business immigration programme. This is the business immigration route which comes under the Canadian immigrant investor programme specially designed to attract skilled business dwellers who wish to establish their businesses in Canada to contribute in Canadian economy. At Angad info, we help and guide you thoroughly with the complex immigration procedures of this type of a visa. The benefits of this type of a visa are many. The Canadian entrepreneur visa offers a route to permanent residence in Canada and an applicant can start working or establishing their businesses without needing a job offer. Applicants seeking immigration under this route are granted the permanent resident status and after 3 years in Canada, they can apply for a citizenship.

The online skill assessment for this type of a visa is basically a points based system to check whether you qualify to apply for this visa or not. You must be given more points on the basis of your educational qualifications, achievements, business experiences, age of the applicant, language proficiency etc. Some points may be given for demonstrating an ability to adapt to life and businesses in Canada. This type of a visa also allows you to bring your spouse and dependents with you to Canada. There are certain eligibility criteria to apply for this job-
Applicant has to demonstrate 2 years of business experience.
Applicant has to demonstrate a minimum net worth of $300,000 CDN.
Applicant must demonstrate the commitment to run a business for at least one year and make jobs for at least one Canadian resident or citizen in that time period, etc.

For more information and questions- visit our website or email us on


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