Monday, April 6, 2009


It is a known fact that the population of Singapore is dropping with the passage of time, the reasons for which are many- young Singaporeans are either immigrating outside their country and many of the young couples are avoiding having babies. “We are short 14,000 babies. We have to bring in new immigrants. If our population shrinks, Singapore will face a very serious problem, “said the Prime Minister of Singapore Mr. Lee Hsien Loong. Lee further elaborated that in order to fill in the spaces in the population, he would be promoting new immigration from foreign countries. He also appealed that the young Singaporeans who have gone outside Singapore should return back and young couples should have more babies.

Prime Minister Lee said a Citizenship and Population Unit would be set up as part of his office to attract foreigners, and the nation would seek "all kinds'' of talent. He urged that Singapore should welcome new immigrants and should not hesitate hiring a foreign employee instead of a native one. "To grow and flourish, we must welcome those who can help us to reach our goals. That is the way to build Singapore for Singaporeans,” said Mr. Lee. Singapore has implemented several measures to promote procreation, including tax breaks for families, cash bonuses, state-subsidized child care - even a state-sponsored dating agency. Many western nations face a very similar problem, where the birth rate is not high enough to compensate for both the death rate and the increasing average age of the population. Countries such as Australia and Canada have been aggressively recruiting immigrants for nearly a decade now to compensate. A number of Central and
Western European States such as Germany, Great Britain and the Scandinavian countries are also beginning to face the same shortfalls.
This would be a great opportunity for many Indians who wish to immigrate outside India to settle down in search of a better life. Since India has a lot many skilled workers and the unemployment rate is also high, it would be a great opportunity to take benefit from. It is because of this reason only many Indian students choose to study abroad instead of India to later settle down outside India.


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